
Mary Poppins

I'd like to talk about Mary Poppins as a person.

As we all know, this lady has the title of "all-perfect, super-friendly, imaginative nanny", but when I look at her, I see an angry woman who rather avoids having fun and only uses her witchcraft to get children off of their asses to clean up their room.
Let's be realistic here, so far we can be in a movie like "Mary Poppins", and look at how Mary would stand on
her own without the help of her friend, Bert.

She wouldn't. She's boring.

Bert would've been a more fun nanny for these two children than Mary; he is the one who started these adventures. If he didn't, o-so-perfect Poppins would've stayed at home.

She is far from nice and far from perfect. Mary Poppins is like a grumpy old teacher; strict and grey. I don't get why people are charmed by her.


There are extremists for everything.

As I am a "Satan-worshipping nonbeliever" myself (though wondering how I can worship something I don't believe in), naturally I appreciate someone who shares the same thought more than somebody who doesn't.
That's how life works; we all feel more comfortable with people who are like us. That's why racism and discrimination will never leave this world.

Just like religious people, Atheists have the urge to act like they know best. But what I've noticed is that Atheists usually have a negative approach on everything. While religion has the casual "you'll burn in Hell, but I'll pray for you and that way pretend to care", there are these Atheists who often say or do something that's just purely insulting and mocking another religion. They should leave it to "I don't believe" and not "you're all fucking nuts, God doesn't fucking exist, just look at all the fucking proof, that's why I fucking don't believe".

If you are so certain of your case, then good for you. Some people obviously don't care; they read the about same "revolutionary" discoveries as you, and it still didn't change their mind. You repeating what already has been said is not going to make a difference. The same goes for religion and their Bibles.

It's like these people live on making fun of other people, while there are multiple other ways to show you are Atheist without bringing someone down. Though you could also say most religious people are only this verbally "calm" to stay on a good level with their Lord. But instead of overactive swearing, they put all their energy in converting people, preaching, quoting the Bible, bombing the shit out of them, or looking up these religion-insulting articles and artwork and complain about them.

It's both equally annoying, but I would expect Atheists to be better. Of course people stay people.

Next to these "extremists", there are also people who claim to be Atheist, but still say they believe in a possible higher power, Heaven/Hell or anything else reserved to religion. These jerkoffs should get a dictionary and look up the definition of "Atheist". They are not Atheists.

And did you notice how I also bashed Christians in this article while I was aiming for Atheists? That's also an Atheist feature.


A little while ago I was reminded I hate anime and manga, as a boy approached me on the matter:
"Can you tell me why you hate anime?"

"Because it's cheap.
All the characters have the exact same faces, just a different eye/hair colour and hairdo.
And their mouths never match the words they're saying."
"But, It's not that bad drawing anime. You are really good at drawing anime and you should be an anime artist. I think should give it a shot."

"Just because I can doesn't mean I should.
I only draw manga when I'm trying to prove a point or make fanart for an anime I like. But I'm never really encouraged to draw manga just for the heck of it; entire Deviantart is already infested with uninspired manga art and I don't think I should add to that.

Especially in these days there's no value in this drawing style, at all. When people can't draw a cartoon character in its own true style, they always lower themselves in turning them into manga characters."

And this conversation says it all.
Now that doesn't mean I don't appreciate any anime series, but when talking about the style alone, it makes me puke.


Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"

This movie was more like a crippled love story between Alice and the Mad Hatter.

And somehow I saw it coming.

Since Mr. Burton let his good buddy Johnny Depp play him, there was but a small chance Johnny would be left out on the background. I never saw the Mad Hatter as an important element in the original story, neither would I be able to give a good reason why, of all the characters, he should be.
Even so, the crazy man was played by Johnny Depp, so expect awkward brilliance.

Though I wouldn't have had any problems with it if this "Alice in Wonderland" tried to be more like its predecessor, instead of hooking up our Alice with the "suddenly handsome" Hatter. Try imagining that in the animated Disney movie.

The beginning of this movie was boring and bland. The acting skills were terrible. Just until we found ourselves in Wonderland things seemed to get a tad more loose; the 3D characters, including the Hatter and the red queen, showed more emotion than most of the "regular" human actors.
If their bad performance was part of the act, they're certainly good in sucking.

What I didn't mind that much was the new story. Even though the title says "Alice in Wonderland", it was obviously not the story we were all familiar with. And I like that.
But there were so many empty scenes in this movie and the contrast between good/bad acting and decent writing was incredibly high; so the story might not have delivered its message properly. Whatever it was.

The Prince of Egypt and "The Disney Disease"

Is it true that some people dislike this movie because it might be too dark and too boring for children?

The problem with people these days is that they all have the Disney-disease; meaning that every cartoon HAS to be cheerful and get to its point as soon as possible, because "it's a cartoon, therefore it's for kids".
Though people have already forgotten that the original Disney cartoons, and other cartoons like Tom & Jerry, were never meant for children, but for adults.

Then why is "The Prince of Egypt" suddenly considered a children's flick?
Did no one ever came to the conclusion that it might be an animated movie for adults?

Personally I loved this movie as a child, so it also bothers me that some 40 year old RottenTomatoes-critic claims to know what children want.
This movie is obviously not comparable to Spongebob Squarepants, but it was never its intention to. "The Prince of Egypt" tells a tale from the Bible; the fact it included some humor is nice to have, but you didn't read any "knock-knock jokes" in the old book, so you'll have to be a bit realistic here.

The animation and music are absolutely stunning and contains more feeling than anything Disney ever produced, it's not comparable.
And this is another issue; stop comparing other animated movies with Disney. Acknowledge talent when you see it. If you don't have any valid points to make in a review, you should shut up.

This movie is absolutely worth watching, you don't have to be religious to appreciate quality.

2012 (the movie)

An overrated movie that feeds on the money of everyone who actually believes this "doomsday" nonsense.

2012 could have been a wonderful and terrific movie, even if it depended on nothing but the people's beliefs. But it isn't.
The story plot, next to (and together with) the world ending, wasn't original or interesting in the slightest. I couldn't care less about any of the characters' lifes, and neither did the characters care about each other; since mom jumped right into her ex-husband's arms 2 seconds after her boyfriend died a horrible death.

Next to him, nobody seemed to care about the foreign girl with the dog either. She risked her life to save the leading character's daughter and even her own dog, for Pete's sake, and yet nobody seems to remember her after her last scene.
She is the real hero.

I never believed in 2012, and this movie didn't make me reconsider.


This is a quick note about- and to his "fans":

I don't follow most of Obama's decisions, since I am hardly interested in what's going on in America.
But so far I know, Obama is already being ridiculed for the things he's done so far. Obviously, they were none of the things he promised to do, and they're stupid.

Yet I find it funny how people first treated him like an almighty God, and those same people now bash him to Hell. It brings me back to the time Michael Jackson died; people were being incredible hypocrites back then, too.

Listen people, Obama is an American. He lives in America, he was raised American and got all his fancy diplomas from American universities. He isn't different from the other presidents, who were also American. That he's "black" (more like: slightly tanned) isn't going to change anything.
His mother was white and he was raised white, in no way should black people or foreigners feel connected to him. The man is whiter than a bleached paper sheet in full sunlight. Yet white people, as for black people, thought a "historical moment where a semi-black man would become president" would benefit them. Obama thinks like a white man, so don't count on it.
Positive discrimination never helped anyone.

It's nice to see how the American people keeps having faith in their politicians and it's nicer for me to see how they end up with the president's boot in their face the very second they voted "yes". I can say nothing but "you asked for it".
You vote, you get, only not what you were told to recieve. But by now you should've realized that, so stop acting surprised and disappointed.

Good presidents died years ago.


Typical love songs

Songs that go "baby, I'll be true", "baby, we were ment to be", "baby, I'll never let you go" or even dare to use the word "baby" at all.

Easy sentences that rhyme with everything; they sure are tempting to use when writing a song. Too bad they don't mean anything and a zillion other wannabe-love song writers use the exact same lines. But not only unknown songs have these lines; famous songs and artists also have no shame in using a bunch of overused, meaningless sentences in their lyrics.
As long it earns you your millions, why should you bother anyway, right? It's not like you
actually wrote this love song for someone you, well, love. I am not certain who started using the word "baby" as a love term, and I'm sure it was cute the first few seconds, but after every lame-ass rapper and popsinger started shouting it every second, it lost its "cuteness". Anyone who dares to use the word in their song is obviously uninspired. If a person tried to steal my heart with a love song and even dared to use the word "baby", they'd be expecting me to empty a rifle in their face.

Next to this issue, I noticed alot of songs using the earlier mentioned sentence "I'll be true". Very nice, but I don't need to hear these kind of sentences from artists who are either a minor/teenager or a person who had over 9000 affaires, relationships, or never one at all. Maybe they sing these songs for the 0.02% of the world population that does "stay true to their baby".
But not only are the people who sing these kind of songs total scumbags or whores, they sing the songs like scumbags and whores, in a scumbag and whore genre, dressed up like a scumbag or a whore.
It will impress nobody. It will convince nobody. Not the people who've experienced actual

Piercing the ears of babies

I was at an amusement park today, and while I was being bored, my siblings were enjoying themselves in the indoors playground. A short time later a family arrived at the spot.
While the father and 3 of his children went inside, the mother and her baby waited near the entrance. I looked at the child and I noticed her wearing o-so-very-adorable flower earrings. Immediately I felt like punching the mother in the jaw.

Most women wear earrings. It's their choice. Not a big deal. But when a mother pierces the ears of her baby, someone who can't and doesn't have a say in it, it just makes me sick.
I never liked the idea of small children wearing earrings, because it's obvious that in most cases they were forced into it. Piercing your ears hurts, you're making a hole in your skin with brute force; in no way that feels good. Especially when it's done wrong and it gets infected later on.

I still remember having a wild discussion about earrings with a classmate when I was younger. According to her "it was normal to have earrings" and if you didn't have them as a girl, you weren't normal. I replied, smart as I was back then, that if it was indeed normal, people would've been born with holes in their ears.
But we're not. We're damaging our own body because the media teaches us to. It became a standard. "Normal".

Women and girls, it's not a crime to pierce your ears, but keep your hands off of babies and children who don't even know what the shit is going on around them.


Banners with sound

I think most of you experienced these horrible internet banners. And if you didn't, you're a very lucky person.

Just imagine yourself browsing on some websites, and then all of the sudden you hear loud music and/or sound effects coming from nowhere. High chances are that there is an advertisement somewhere with auto-playing sound on the page you're currently checking out.
For some reason people thought it was a good idea to keep the sound of these banners toggled on, meaning that while you watch a clip, write a comment, look at a picture or are just listening to your own music, you suddenly hear this loud noise, ruining whatever you were doing at that moment.

For websites that host copyrighted movies and TV shows, I can understand, but even regular sites have this problem. Deviantart, for instance.
I don't think sites like these should even have this kind of advertisement, next to the fact I think internet banners should shut up altogether.


Products that should be free, but aren't

I think that every household should get at least one loaf of bread free every week; it's not like it's a forbidden luxury, people simply need to eat, so it might as well be bread.
Nothing fancy, but it shouldn't have to be.

I think that every newborn baby should get free diapers; obviously babies can't use the toilet and the prices they ask for diapers are just sad. Babies can't help what they do, they are babies for a reason. Give mothers free diapers so they can actually buy their child something nice, or actual food for themselves. Or while you're at it, give them some Goddamn bread.

I think that every woman should either get free sanitary napkins or the pil; you're basically punishing them for being female by making them pay for either one. The female body cannot be controlled, it's not like it's their choice to bleed all over the floor. Either help them stop it, otherwise save their underwear.

These are the products that should be free, but aren't. Considering how they depend on issues that can't be helped, it's absolutely disgusting people ask money for it.



Nothing personal, American swines, but I just don't like you. Especially not as a group.
America: a proud country that symbolizes freedom and grand opportunities for all. Of course only if you're white.
Let's just ignore the "proud" history this "proud" country had, because didn't we all had to kill an entire race, steal their land, and then enslave another race to build up an all-perfect society? Since America alone, including its ego, is a big part of the planet itself, I guess that counts as "all", so I'm not that far off.

But of course none of today's Americans have much to do with what happened in the past, so you can't keep attacking them for it, but then why would they still scream things like "I'm proud to be American" and "God bless America"? Because frankly, if you're American, you're not cool. In fact, you're the biggest scum in the world.
You may think you have allies, but you don't. There isn't a single country that likes you, which is rather sad.
Smart and respected Americans are Americans who don't live in America.
America is also the living proof why world peace wouldn't work out; after all, it consists out of multiple countries all in one.

There is no other country in the world where people are so stupid and exaggerating.
There is no other place in the universe where people are so war- and powerhungry. This all makes me wonder why the rest of the world didn't already join forces to bomb them to the ground.
What I also don't like is that they make fun of the British and their "accent". They are the ones with the accent, they are the ones who have trouble with the English language, the British were there before them. It were the stupid British who moved from England to America; and somehow they weren't even able to keep their own language intact.

America has a long way to go, but I fear they'll never change.


The South Park voice actors

South Park is one of the few shows I constantly follow and I've happened to notice a very bothersome issue:
Every guest appearance in the show has the exact same friggen voice.

I didn't notice anything like this in the first seasons, for all I know they still had a crew back then. This cheap production flaw might just have appeared in the last season(s). But how hard is it to hire some different people to voice a character that only makes this one appearance? It's tedious and annoying to hear the same voice again and again, especially when they sound nothing like the celebrity portrayed (like they always address at the beginning of an episode).
South Park shouldn't act as if they're b
roke; for all we know they are richer than Bill Gates. Get some employment, guys.

The new Cartoon Network (2)

What I can't stand is people who do nothing in their life but yammer about the new Cartoon Network.
You usually find them at places like Deviantart and Youtube, where they complain in the comment section of every video or drawing portraying an old Cartoon Network series.

It's understandable that they are upset, especially about the fact that the cartoons they hate has a large fanbase and the cartoons that were part of their childhood are long gone, but they should also realize that the new generation gets raised with these new collection of cartoons; meaning that the children of today will most likely protect these "awful" cartoons when they get replaced in the future by cartoons they'll consider terrible. Just like we all are doing now.

Some fans give me the impression that they just complain for the sake of complaining, and that is why they don't notice when new shows appear that are just like the ones they grew up with. Cartoon Network gets no mercy, but neither gets a chance.
While they scream "ALL THESE CARTOONS ARE LAME, CLASSICS LIKE DEXTER'S LAB AND COW & CHICKEN WERE THE BEST", they blindly walk past "Chowder" and "Flapjack". Some of the 90s watchers say they actually checked these shows out, but still claim they are horrible just like everything else Cartoon Network offers.

Honestly, if you consider Chowder and Flapjack bad, then you obviously didn't like much of the past cartoons either; these are only some of the newer cartoons that are able to give you that good nostalgia feeling. If you didn't like it, you have no right to complain, since these cartoons are in the exactly the same as the first Cartoon Network shows.

Open your eyes or keep your mouth shut.


The new Cartoon Network (1)

If you are a person who appreciates cartoons, I am certain you watch Cartoon Network so now and then. And as you noticed, Cartoon Network stopped living up its own name recently. If you zap through a few random children's channels you'll see that most of today's shows are real-life series, rather than cartoons. This wouldn't be so bad if Cartoon Network chose not to follow this mindless craze.

If you knew Cartoon Network's previous state, let's say, around the year 1999, you would be very disappointed now. Most of the cartoons that used to air stopped making an appearance or only air half a second or around the time you're out for work or school. That means people have no other choice but to watch their favourite childhood shows at sites like Youtube, until these shows get taken off by the "owners". I ask you: If there were never any DVD's
sold of these shows and Cartoon Network doesn't even air them anymore, where are we supposed to watch them? Preferably on a channel not everybody has, it seems.

Only a few Cartoon Network cartoons got the honour of getting their own DVD, while Nickelodeon seems to give every single one of their garbage their own DVD set.

Now, not only live actio
n series brought this channel down, but also some of the newer "cartoons". I am not saying this because I'm used to the 1999 treats, but because I'm certain about my case; these cartoons are awful. I actually bothered to watch at least two episodes of every new show that randomly appeared on screen.
A few of the most saddest shows I encountered were
"Total Drama Island", "Chop Socky Chooks" and "Skunk Fu".
Total Drama Island
is basicly real life being animated, or so it tries to be. With other words, useless.

Chop Socky Chooks is the most racist, fucking, lame-ass show with the worst character design I ever laid my eyes on. These bitches are actually supposed to be chickens.
And Skunk Fu is just one of the million cartoons about martial arts. And not even an interesting one.

I am most certainly not implying that all the past cartoons were the best, but at least they had value. Now I have the fee
ling that the animators of today are messing with us.
I don't want these cheap Flash animations anymore.

3D animation

Wowzers, did you see that? That fire looks almost real. And golly gee wizz, those eyes are so detailed, they're filled with so much emotion. Omg, so real.

3D animation
, alot of people seem to like it because it's so "realistic". But honestly, if people expect it to be; then what's still the use of live action movies and real actors?
I see 3D animation as the upgraded version of 2D animation, though I can't say I can appreciate this upgrade, since it's pretty much being shoved down our throats.

I remember someone saying that
Toy Story was one of the first (if not the first) 3D animated features. And it's nice to have, but it's not like the audience demanded it.

How realistic and "difficult" 3D artists may describe their work to be; nothing is harder than 2D animation, since
every frame needs to be redrawn and recoloured each and every single time. And because of this great effort artists put in it, handdrawn animation simply has a higher spot in my heart than 3D.
3D artists only have to design one character and then the computer makes it move. Again, how beautiful this character may look, it's cheap animation.
Of course I do like some 3D movies, since story, music and voice acting quality also plays a part in my judgement. I am not that shallow. But when we just take a look at all the the 3D movies that were made, you often see a resemblance; the biggest being these exaggerated, over-detailed, shiny eyes.
Almost every character, whether it's human, animal, or a friggen car, has these huge idiotic eyes. It's like I'm watching anime

It's save to say Pixar does a good job in story and characters. Dreamworks does quite alright too, but has a scary habit of portraying their characters on the cover of their videos/DVD's in quite a resembling fashion.
It's called the "Dreamworks Face" a
nd it's this face that feeds my general hatred for 3D animation even more. I noticed 3D characters making this face alot, though I didn't quite realise that Dreamworks is pretty much the only one doing it.

In case you don't have a clue what I'm rambling about, these are the features:
The character..

- Has a crooked smil
- Has one eyebrow raised and one eyebrow down

Even people who live in a cave would know what I'm talking about. Most likely Dreamworks does this to give their characters this "cool look", but meanwhile failed to see that their past 30 movies basicly had the same cover.


Bill O'Reilly

What is with this asshole?

Girls clothes

Have you ever paid any attention to the clothes stores sell for girls? It's terrible.

Even for toddlers they make the worst clothing; if it's not pink, then it's slutty.
Can someone tell me, what is the use of selling bikinis for 4 year old girls? These little sprouts have no breasts whatsoever, and neither do they have a figure to show off with. And they most certainly would not be interested in doing so. They're children.

Hip pants, small tops and high heels are not suitable clothing for the young and innocent.

This was the idea of some horny adults who thought it was a good idea to dress small children like teenage girls. Personally it sickens me to see toddlers dressed up like prostitutes, but I put most of the blame to their parents.

Like I mentioned at the start, it's not only slutty clothing that makes me hurl, but also this overdose of pink. I know pink somehow became the trademark-colour for girls, but it also sets up a terrible stereotype. As if girls can't like anything else and are cuddly and weak, just like this despicable Barbie colour. You think I'm exaggerating? Then tell me how cool and masculine you'd feel when wearing a pink dress. Or just pink jeans.


Scooby Doo

Cheap animation and a cheap story, I'm really wondering why it became so popular. Even in the time it was made there already were better cartoons out there.
The problem with this series is that every story is the same. Even so, the characters always act surprised and scared in every episode; they're trying to inject this false hope into the watchers, making them believe that maybe this time it is an actual monster they're dealing with. Shouldn't the gang know by now that every monster they encounter, and will encounter, is just some man or woman in a suit who's frustrated at life?

Now let's look at our heroes:
The first thought I got is "Go to school, you hippies", but I especially failed to see how any of these bland characters would be interested in something like "solving mysteries". Except maybe for Velma.

Fred is a straight homosexual sailor, probably with hobbies like "looking at himself in the mirror", just like the school cheerleader Daphne, who dresses herself way too fancy to enter old, dusty houses. And then we have these two worthless pieces of lowlife; Shaggy and Scooby. Shaggy is a hippy with tapeworm and dogfood is the only reason he joins this sad Halloween search with his friends. His best friend, Scooby, has the exact same issues, but is a dog, therefore making it less bothersome he needs to be bribed with animal snacks.

While the others actually make themselves useful, Shaggy and Scooby do nothing but stand in the way, eat anything they can find, and randomly run and scream around whenever they get the opportunity. Also, the way this gang "splits up" really sets everything; Fred always runs off with the short-skirted Daphne, the two most useless beings, Shaggy and Scooby are put together "because they are such a great team", and the intelligent, but very unattractive wallflower Velma runs through the dark hallways alone. But that's okey, I wouldn't expect anyone to jump from behind the trashcans wanting to rape her; she wears glasses, after all. Fred has a higher chance of getting raped.

None of the episodes have any value, therefore aren't worth it watching back. Neither is the animation quality something to stay awake for.

The general running gags in cartoons

It's not like I don't have anything better to do with my life, but I'd like to talk with you about cartoons. Again.

Cartoons are there to entertain us and nothing else. While they are supposed to be dumb and unrealistic, some of the general running gags are really overused, while they aren't even funny or slightly make sense.

I discussed the "bagpipe hate" in cartoons before, but how many of you still remember those scenes from..well, any cartoon, where a character tries to open a door while basicly pushing the door back with her/his feet? What is up with that and what's the logic behind that?
Another overused joke is a character burping in the most gruesome way possible after (s)he just devoured something. Nobody likes the sound of burps, yet it appears in so many cartoons, it makes me wonder who even thought it was a good idea to begin with.

There are many jokes like these that pretty much all cartoons use. Are they doing it unconsciously, are these jokes just good episode fillers, or am I missing a sense of humor?


School trips

School trips are the worst, especially when you're obligated to go and therefore have to cough up money, without you getting the option to say "no".

School trips can be fun, but the truth is that they stopped being fun a long time time ago. Not everyone might consider it "fun", has the money, or has the time; especially when you're going on trips like camping, where you stay away from home multiple days.
This mainly concerns college, where most students have a job they have to attend right after school. And especially in college most schools don't bother to take care of any transportation; you'll just have to figure out how to get there. At least that's the case here.

What's worse is when everyone in your class is looking forward to it, except you. It makes you look like a grumpy senile man, because you end up being the only one who doesn't want to go. Since the rest does, that means the trip
must be fun and you just don't like fun, right?


Alot of people think we're all going to die in 2012; that countless disasters will hit the Earth and the end of humankind will come. Many American teenagers wrote letters about being scared and killed themselves afterwards.
And I'm sorry to say:

Do you honestly believe a prediction done by an acient tribe is true? The same tribe who sacrificed women and children to make it rain?

It isn't the first time the end of the world was "predicted" and as you can see, we are still here.

If you're being a dumbass then you're only making life harder on yourself.

Dane Cook

What a terrible, unfunny piece of lowlife he is.

For people who are not familiar with his name, I salute you, and lower my hand right away to tell you that Dane Cockface is an overrated comedian. Though alot of people, generally Americans, seem to like his acts and many use soundbites from his shows to make "funny" Youtube videos with. Though those videos fail just as hard as the show the sound was taken from.

I honestly tried to like him since alot of people praise his work, though watching his shows only made me wonder how big the space in the heads of his fans is. He wasn't able to make me laugh or giggle even once.
That the man lacks talent isn't even the biggest issue; but that he has such a big audience and gets to perform in enormous theatres is. I don't understand that.

This is my opinion, but feel free to look at a piece and be the judge yourself:


If there's something I can't stand, it are these false facts about skunks.
So far the movie
"Over The Hedge" is the only movie where other creatures were able to stand around a skunk without running away in absolute horror.

In case you're an ignorant idiot: skunks don't reek all the time and only use their "smell" when they are scared.
And even then it's not something they commonly use; when a skunk gets cornered by a possible threat it stomps with its front paws on the ground. If the threat doesn't leave
only then it sprays.

Pepe Le Pew and similar characters are not setting a good example, since in most cartoons people seem to smell them from miles away. Unless Pepe Le Pew is scared to shit every second of the day, this is nonsense.

Do you wonder why I should care about any of this? After all, Pepe Le Pew is a terrific character and his cartoons are just as fun.
I care because I used to have skunks myself. And the conclusion people make out of others who keep skunks is that the skunks smell, your house smells and that you smell. People don't know anything about these creatures than that they supposedly have this odour that never leaves, all thanks to the neverending running gag about skunks in cartoons and movies.
It is one of the few television running gags where people actually believe it's true. It's creates a bad name for skunks they don't deserve.

Increasing cartoon violence

Here's some news: it isn't increasing, only decreasing because people have the need to complain so much about today's cartoons and its "extreme" images and sound effects.

It's strange, since old cartoons like Tom and Jerry and the past Disney/Warner
Brothers cartoons weren't that innocent either; racial jokes, portraying weapons and the use of them, and what is more fun than your favourite cartoon character going out to hunt an animal for no apparent reason? Get that moose, Mickey.
Most people don't even approve of hunting (for fun), yet you didn't hear them complain back then, but in this age people seem to do nothing else. It's their hobby to make a big deal out of everything.

Not to mention that the show Animaniacs is filled with adult humor itself, and even after people discovered so, it stayed silent.
Though when someone dares to create a cartoon with either one of the typical features the old cartoons used to have on this day and age, it's suddenly "bad for the children". That's because the violence in old cartoons is not called "cartoon violence", but "comic relief", and why start bashing a cartoon older than you after so many years anyway, right?

The reason why parents think Ben10 is
worse than Tom and Jerry is because the general description of Ben10 is "A boy who can turn into aliens fights crime and other aliens, ACTION YEAH!", while Tom and Jerry's description says "A cat trying to catch a mouse.", even though what they mean is "A cat who tries to brutally murder a mouse, but the mouse always wins the blood fest".
The series Pokémon isn't even allowed to show guns, though a gunshaped limb on a Pokémon that shoots objects similar to bullets is alright. And for some reaso
n, people who push their pets to fight each other to the death is fine, too.

I once saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon where Mickey grabbed an enormous rifle and started shooting like a maniac because he thought there was a burglar in his house. Who decided guns can't be portrayed now all of the sudden? Yes, these past cartoons weren't really made for children, in fact, they were made for adults, but that doesn't take away the fact that children didn't get to see them. Eventually.
Even now children get to see them because it belongs to "culture", yet mommy and daddy don't like it when Junior is watching Ben10 and Spongebob.

It all has to do with time.
All the violent, yet ignored and appreciated cartoons come from an age where these jokes were normal and cartoons respected, whatever the subject was. But as time progressed people started questioning things, and in the end no one is allowed to do anything.
And in this new age, where people are fully aware they're being chained down by society and are not allowed to have any freedom of speech, new cartoons arise, and they're childish and dull because of going through too many "I-c-what-u-did-thar"-filters.

I'll pick the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven" as an example.
There are two movies and a tv series, and the first movie had it all; criminality, gambling, drinking, lust, murder, and Hell, yet parents already started complaining about this one when it came out. While it is considered a classic to the rest of the world.

The second movie is "nice", and that describes it all. The main character was just the empty shell of the person he once was, and the story comes nowhere near the first; this is a true childrens' flick. The series has the same tone.

You can say that because the first movie got criticized on its themes, they took the opportunity to alter the second movie. I don't think the original creator had any say in this, otherwise he basicly sold his soul to 4Kids.
If there is something you'll have to keep in mind it's that you don't always have to give those few people who're complaining, because that's exactly why everyone complains so much now and why there are Muslim extremists in the world winning the media battles. They're just 3 guys with a computer and a phone, people.

That's all, folks!


Bagpipes in cartoons

I watched quite an awkward cartoon this morning, it was about this redhaired boy with glasses who changes into someone or something else every day.
I think it was called "Martin Morning". Fitting.

Today's episode involved him turning into a Scotsman, so he woke up with a skirt and a fancy matching hat. Great, now all the children watching will assume all the Scottish wear a skirt
and that every man who wears a skirt is Scottish.
Though that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that Martin and his obsessed fan/friend were mocking the skirt.

Next to the fact that no one in Scotland walks around like that in daily life, it greatly annoys me that so many cartoons bring up the stereotype and bash their (old) cultural habits. Not to mention the old bagpipe-joke many cartoons seem to bring up; when a character wants
to annoy another character he/she always grabs some bagpipes and starts playing a semi-catchy tune for everyone to enjoy.
What is this hate towards bagpipes? It's a beautiful instrument, but if you can't play it properly then of course it sounds bad. That's the case with every instrument.

And since when is a skirt "not manly"? Many men wore a skirt in the past. What about the indians, vikings and not to mention the pope, who wears an entire dress and still dares to say homosexuality is bad. That's funny.
What's also funny is the fact that there has never been a single Scot who complained about this unfair treatment in the television world, a whole lot different than religion, a group who has the need to complain about everything.

Cartoons are meant to be funny, and I'm not saying that ridiculing something can't be funny, but it's time for some new jokes. Lay off the bagpipes, it never made anyone laugh.

Michael Jackson

The guy made good music. So? Since when is talent a ticket to freedom from a courtroom?

I think it's only curious that so many children claimed to be abused by him. Alot of people say the families were out for Jackson's money, but this all doesn't take away the fact that Mr. Jackson was a disturbed and messed up figure.
I wouldn't already appreciate a fullgrown man lying in bed with my child, drinking Jesus juice. Wether he did "the naughty thing" or not.

The problem with Michael
and the rest of America is that they all blame it to his parents, especially his father and think his past abuse is a good excuse for Michael to be acting like a total nutjob, "because he only wanted to be a child again, since he didn't have the opportunity back then, ect".
There are alot of abused children in the world and they didn't turn out half as crazy like he did.

Michael always said he loved dancing and singing,
and since he got tons of money with doing something what he liked I don't see the reason to think your life is still incomplete. He got everything he ever wanted, even a new skin. Did we really try to learn to "just run away from a fight" and to "respect each other and yourself" from a man with such an incredible low self esteem?
He looked like a zombie, and you can't convince me that Michael was blind for his own hideous appearance. He had all the time to stop this makeover-madness. He killed himself and I am certain of that.

Yet what really angers me is how the media scolded him for being a pedofile just the day before and later reacted to his death with great "sorrow".
Really, choose a side or shut up, it's not that hard.

Of course after his death alot of people were quite busy making beautiful tributes. Too bad all of them were with pictures of Michael from a zillion years ago; since even the fans know he destroyed his own face and was no tribute material. But how much of a fan are you if you're not able to acknowledge the real Michael and just keep living in your own world? A very good fan, but not a very good individual.

It's clear that someone has to die first to get respect. Just look at Elvis Presley; he was a fat, wife-beating bastard, but when he died there was no way people brought up all the bad stuff he did or the fact how unappealing he looked. They showed nothing else but the nice pictures from the past, where he was still young and slender.

And that's what happened right after Michael's death, too.

Again people, pick a side
and stick to it, otherwise get lost. Everyone's a hypocrite.

People who don't know Disney

My mother and I went out to buy some new pants a few months ago. When we arrived at the cash register, the cashier said we could pick out four keychains since we spent a certain amount of money; we had the choice between three different Cars-themed keychains and three different Disney Princesses-themed keychains. Well, since my brother's birthday was coming up, we chose three Cars keychains for him and one with a Disney princess for my little sister.

Since the one with Cinderella and Snowwhite looked like puke, I told her to "give me Jasmine".
On which the cashier replied: "Eh, who is Jasmine?".

It's not an obligation to know all the characters' names from every Disney movie ever created, but concerning her young age
you'd think she would know something about the classics.
I myself am a begin 90's child, so I was raised with all the Disney movies made in that year and all the years before. Lets say she simply never saw the movie Aladdin; was this girl seriously that clueless that she didn't even know who Cinderella and Snowwhite were and that way couldn't determine that the last keychain left would have to be "this Jasmine" I was asking for?
People don't seem to care about animated movies or cartoons in this age.

South Park: the 200th episode

After 11 whole seasons, and the 12th season about to be completed, has South Park finally crossed the line?
After all these episodes that included sex, drugs, abuse, torture, diseases, prejudges, swears and making fun of almost every actor, singer and common human, have they managed to create an episode so
shocking that 70% had to be cencored and bleeped out and later on banished from the screen?

Episode 200 and 201; I was never able to check these "feared" episodes out for myself, since it never aired here and the South Park site has no longer the given permission to show them online, even though I wonder how long these episodes actually were online.
Well, are these episodes that awful and "feared"? Ha ha. Of course not. Yet one Muslim extremist thought he was being helpful by telling the creators they'll probably end up like
Theo van Gogh: stabbed multiple times by a rabid Muslim and with a nice finishing touch, a knife jabbed into his gut with a subtile letter onto it, just because Theo wanted to make a movie about the female suppression in the Islam.
And as a second friendly warning he published the home-
and working address of our Matt and Trey on the internet. On a Muslim extremists website.

Am I the only one who realises that this warning is a failed, covered-up threat and good enough to pull this nut out of his hole and give him a chance in hell to escape jail?

This entire commotion was caused because the creators showed
Mohammed the prophet in these episodes, and so far I know in a bear costume most of the time.
Are you threatening two men with a horrible death just because of that? The people in America (and not only America) already look down to Muslims and causing such media attention just because of a cartoon,
where the characters actually appreciate Mohammed, is incredibly sad. South Park has always been known to mock someone or something. They even mocked their own religion, Muslims shouldn't act as if they're a holy exception. And as long you're staying in a country you are a guest in, you shouldn't complain so much.
Leave your beliefs at home or stay in your ruined country.

A funny fact is that the creators showed Mohammed in an earlier episode (season 5, for Pete's sake) and there were no complaints then. How does that work?
War will come if you can't laugh about yourself. If you can't handle it, sod off to your own piss-poor country.
That's the way it works.

Nice to know Muslim extremists are loyal South Park watchers, though. How else could they've spotted this "incident" this soon?

Religion: Christianity

When a baby is born, it are the parents and its surroundings who teach it to follow (and fear) a god. Leave the child alone and it'll naturally stay Atheist.

After I drew and published a comic showing an obnoxious Christian and my character having a conversation with "God", this was one of the many comments I recieved:

I'm gonna pray for you guys. Ya'll need it.

If you guys read the Bible and try to understand what He has done for you by letting Christ die for your sins and giving you a chance to go to Heaven, you'll see how God is NOT like what you described at all. God loves you guys. If He didn't, he wouldn't have given us this chance. Like a parent, God might seem like saying to you "don't do this" and don't care about what you desire, but He's only saying that because He know it isn't for ya'll and could harm you. You may think us Christians are "ruining your fun" but understand that the sins or wrongdoings you guys and everyone does are harmful to you not only physically but mentally as well. (Remember, us Christians used to be non-believers ourselves and enjoyed our sins and didn't accept God like you guys until we came to understand the Gospel.)

I don't know if I, a Christian, or other Christians or God for that matter will get through you guys, but really it's up to you guys. God will let you choose either to accept Him or reject Him (even though it will break His heart).Your destiny to go to Heaven and live eternally or go to Hell and lose your soul is in your hands. If you decide to reject God and Christ, oh well; your loss.

John 3:16 "For God so LOVED THE WORLD, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life."

If God truly loves His "children", He will accept them for who they are and not punish them for what they are not.
According to Christians God gave every humanbeing a free will; wouldn't it be hypocrite to punish people because they use it? Yes, it would.

If you want your creations to shut up and jump off a bridge when you tell them to, giving them the freedom to think wasn't really a smart decision when creating them, now was it.

Hey, a parent would punish his or her kids for doing wrong, but that doesn't mean they don't love their kids. They punish their kids as discipline to teach them what's wrong and what's right. It's the same way with God and us. You think the sins you do is just the way you are? No it's not. Your identity is much more than that. You identify yourself with the sins you do.

Besides, a child can choose whether to obey his or her parents by not doing the wrong thing or not, but that's no excuse for avoiding punishment. A criminal has the choice to steal or not, but if he uses that free will to steal, he's still gonna get punish. It's HOW you use your free will that counts. In life, you can't expect that you can do whatever you want and say that action is always right. That's unrealistic.

People sin all the time, but there are those who decide that they want to stop sinning and become a better person because they know what they do is wrong and those who decide they should continue sinning because either they enjoy it or because "it's just the way they are." Without realizing you faults in your sins and choosing to stop those sins, the sins you do will only hurt you and those around you. But mostly you.

There is no way a person would love his/her father or mother when beaten with a whip and that's exactly what Hell represents. Maybe it will cause the child to listen, but will not respect his parents. Only fear them.
I refuse to live my life in fear, including the thought that I can't think what I want or wipe my ass without someone watching and judging me. You'll have to realize that.

Back in the days people used to believe that a child gets born with sins and even that being born is a sin alone. Everything is suddenly a sin, unless you murder or scold others in the name of your Father.
Only dogs are allowed to piss against legs, because apparently animals can't sin. Yet I don't understand why humans can't be seen as "animals"; is it just because we think, fantasize and wear fancy shoes and pants?

I don't see God.
I don't feel God.
If there is someone who loves me, it is my good mother. My true creator. And I have nice, disturbing pictures to prove that she is. I just can't love someone or something who does not show any signs of love back and it doesn't do it for me when "His loyal mind slaves" approach me and claim that He does. It's only logical you want to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Unless the horse is a lie.

I believed; I sang songs about God and all what He did and I prayed.
But talking to a wall is a waste of my time and a waste of my life, I'd rather do the boogie with the devils in Hell than float around through the clouds aimlessly in Heaven for all eternity. Am I sinning by being an Atheist? Yet I'm having a terrific life, unlike my mother who had religious parents who beat the crap out of the poor woman just because she was an unwanted child. These monsters were the good followers of God; and you'll see that they'll change their ways right before they die and expect to be forgiven by Him.
Just no.

If believing in a higher power makes you feel save, you shouldn't listen to my words. Yet you'll have to understand that I am living the exact same life as you do, but with more hours to spend on myself and knowing true peace; without anyone watching your every move.
That is also why I think that Atheists, if anyone, are the true followers of the thing religous people created, "God". Peace in your soul and your acts are without the expectation that you'll get rewarded or punished.

A small tip for Christians:
When you're talking to someone who doesn't believe or has a different religion: Don't quote pieces from the Bible, it's really annoying and it doesn't say them anything.

Alot of Christians claim that all the Christians who are psychotic, violent and child abusers aren't true Christians. Then how many "true" Christians are there?

Here's another nice story:
My mother once lived in an extremely religious town, where she saw a father calling his 4 year old son to cross the street, while the streets were crowded with cars. Since the man pretty much lost his temper and kept yelling at the child, the boy started crossing the road and was crushed by a car right away. Looking at the destroyed corpse of his son the dog simply said "It's God's will" and he lived happily ever after.

And something I still remember from the news:
A man jumped in a tiger cage at a Zoo and yelled "IF GOD EXISTS HE WILL SAVE ME FROM DEATH". Guess what happened.

It's easy to say for Christians that everything people disapprove about them is done by people who aren't actually Christian, but I can't keep help to think that those people are the real Christians.

Another thing I really hate when I get into a discussion with these pigs is when they claim I have certain beliefs just because I don't believe. As if every Atheist has a standard package of "This-is-what-I-think's".
According to them I assume the entire world popped out of nowhere. Well, the same with God, though He apparently needed 6 days more (That's a week, what a coincidence, too bad things like "weeks" and "months" didn't even exist in the beginning of time). And how is "God did it" more logical than proven facts, logic or science?

Another common excuse people use to prove His nonexistent existance is the overused "But you can't see air, though you know that exists!".
I can feel air.
The wind blows, it's air. It's what I breathe.
I can see air.
The wind blows, leaves move, it's air.

I'd like a better example than what Dee Dee once said in Dexter's Laboratory.

God leaves no actual signs whatsoever. Only humans, creatures who are greatly capable of lying and making up beautiful stories, tell me it is true. Air is still something you can identify. I need more than a storybook from thousands of years back that came from a time where all different kinds of fairy tales hit the Earth. So far I'm concerned, I'm not stupid for asking God's attention by approaching me to either one of my senses:
If God gave us the ability to see, hear, smell and feel, it's pretty stupid of the guy to keep Himself invisible for all those senses.

Of course I could've expected that the person who started approaching me is member of some Rapture Ready website, where they even have forum subjects like "how to convert someone" and hold conversations about how "bad" you feel for someone who doesn't believe. A decent Christian would've laughed about my comic. And wouldn't join an ass forum like that to begin with.
These people shouldn't act as if they are right and stop "feeling sorry" for people who have a happy, Godless life. Their place in wannabe-Heaven isn't reserved for them when they force their beliefs on people or when they claim to have prayed for someone. Nobody asked them to and hypocrisy isn't welcome:
They've called Atheists stubborn and agressive, yet they throw around sentences like, and I quote: "I want those nonbelievers to know that us Christians aren't push-overs and never stop fighting." (Click here for the original thread)

I would've laughed if this wasn't serious.
"Aren't push-overs" and "never stop fighting" are both incredibly controversial and the opposite of what both words mean. People greatly disappoint me when they think that every problem in life can be solved with just sitting on your ass and praying. If they think they can make their dreams come true by just folding their hands, they'll not come far.

Or instead of forcing people, how about leaving all God's creations alone and giving them their own freedom to think. Don't like what those Atheists are doing? That's not very polite towards your Father, the one who also made them, now is it. Do you have complaints? Then you're doubting God. No Heaven for you.

It's time for common sense.

Yoai, slash and gay cartoon porn

It's getting hard for me to accept yaoi/yuri fanart, the fans and the artists. I know so many people who are into it, but I find myself pressured to be nice towards them. I do believe that a decent person is a decent person, but I'm just so unflattered by (child)porn artists.
And sadly enough, when it concerns a homosexual relationship portrayed in a piece of artwork, a little too often we see pants being dropped than anything else.

"Yaoi" is meaningless, random gay porn, usually with anime characters (or Western cartoon characters turned into anime/manga).
"Slash" is "boy-on-boy love", but really, "love" is hardly relevant here, there's no real difference between that and yaoi.
For some reason it is an accepted kind of soft porn in society, and 12 year old girls are drawing it, while other artists on the internet feed them the bullshit that it's totally fine for them to do. I don't think it's okey to support young teenagers and their already growing fetish.

For Pete's sake, I drew dragons and the Powerpuff Girls at that age.

The fanfictions are aimed for the characters to end up fucking each other in the ass; and after this brilliant plot, there is not much different that follows after. The drawings are meaningless and random, the stories are empty and dumb.

The fact no one takes or designs their own homosexual character and turns him straight for the sake of the story says alot; for some reason it's only sexy and cool to be homosexual, whether the character actually is or not.
For example, I'm pretty sure no one changed Jakotsu's (from Inuyasha) sexual preference; that boy is allowed to stay his boy-loving self, because it's not about writing a different or original story to these artists, it's just about turning them gay for their own sexual pleasure. Turning straight characters homosexual isn't different or original to begin with, especially not at this point in time.

I'm tired of the excuse that these young cartoon characters are able to go into any direction when getting older, "because they're still young and o-so clueless". It's a cheap excuse and it's hardly sound logic. How can every child in existence turn out gay?
It would be more honest for slash artists to admit they know pretty damn well they're making masturbation art, otherwise they'd use the character's original age, instead of turning them 18 and playing it save.
But of course, enough artists keep the age intact, which is objectively worse. I have to say that a little too often young fictional boys are targeted for slash art, which makes the gerne even less dignified.

I'd like to know, if these artists like two males kissing and boning that much, why don't they at least make their own characters? Characters who truly are homosexual, instead of taking every male or female cartoon character who happened to hold the hand of the same sex once in a random cartoon episode and assume it's alright for them to alter their sexuality based on 2 seconds of video.
I don't think that homosexuality should be seen as some kind of ultimate porno invention, these boys and girls deserve better.
Perhaps an actual love story.
Homosexuals are human beings with their sex lives being the only difference; so WHY is their sex lives considered the only thing of importance to slash artists? As if homosexuals do nothing else but bang each other, show off their tight pink panties, or just being complete whores all day. Just because someone is homosexual, doesn't mean their life is filled with crotch-staring, dramatic fapping while crying over their difficult lives, French kissing in public and ass humping whenever someone bends over. Yet people draw these horrifying images over and over and try to make it look better than it is by calling this junk "cute".

This kind of art is all about artists having something to wank to and I can't take these people seriously when they scold me for being intolerant and homophobic; because me defending homosexuals and telling artists to stop bullshitting around is a clear sign of me being "scurred of those dang-blasted queer folk, ya'll". Am I right.
I don't have the right to say what someone should like, or the power to change someone's interests, but I'd like to indicate everyone about the fact that someone who calls him/herself a true fanartist and yet dares to draw art so out of place, I have to wonder.

Again, can't help yourself drawing homosexual porn? Then design your own (cartoon) characters. Leave Naruto, Death Note, Ed, Edd n Eddy, and South Park alone.