

Nothing personal, American swines, but I just don't like you. Especially not as a group.
America: a proud country that symbolizes freedom and grand opportunities for all. Of course only if you're white.
Let's just ignore the "proud" history this "proud" country had, because didn't we all had to kill an entire race, steal their land, and then enslave another race to build up an all-perfect society? Since America alone, including its ego, is a big part of the planet itself, I guess that counts as "all", so I'm not that far off.

But of course none of today's Americans have much to do with what happened in the past, so you can't keep attacking them for it, but then why would they still scream things like "I'm proud to be American" and "God bless America"? Because frankly, if you're American, you're not cool. In fact, you're the biggest scum in the world.
You may think you have allies, but you don't. There isn't a single country that likes you, which is rather sad.
Smart and respected Americans are Americans who don't live in America.
America is also the living proof why world peace wouldn't work out; after all, it consists out of multiple countries all in one.

There is no other country in the world where people are so stupid and exaggerating.
There is no other place in the universe where people are so war- and powerhungry. This all makes me wonder why the rest of the world didn't already join forces to bomb them to the ground.
What I also don't like is that they make fun of the British and their "accent". They are the ones with the accent, they are the ones who have trouble with the English language, the British were there before them. It were the stupid British who moved from England to America; and somehow they weren't even able to keep their own language intact.

America has a long way to go, but I fear they'll never change.


  1. Wow, this totally doesn't make you a bigot.

  2. Hi, I agree with most things you say (about Avatar and Cartoon Network, just about mostly everything else) But this is an extremely bigoted post. Assuming everyone from the United States is a "Swine" I agree that America has plenty of idiots, most of these idiots happen to be in positions of power. But then again, all countries have their fair share of morons. So I wouldn't start hating every citizen in America because it's government makes bad decisions. As the citizens have very little to no control over the decisions that tend to piss off the rest of the world.

  3. Just a jealous person from the Netherlands. When I went to Italy and Spain this year for an event called World Youth Day, people LOVED us. We were constantly stopped to take pictures with our flags. Especially the Italians liked us. I got to trade flags w/ an Australian. The Lebanese men told my friend and I we were beautiful. The list of experiences like this goes on.
    We don't make fun of the british for their accents, btw. You make it seem like it's something we do on a daily basis hahaha. I'm sure the British make fun of our accents, too. And we don't do it because we dislike them. Personally, I love UK accents and hope to marry an Irish guy some day.
    We're not scum. Certain individuals may be, but I believe we're a compassionate country. We help out when some natural disaster strikes Haiti, Japan, etc. Where was the rest of the world when Katrina struck or 9/11 happened??
    And actually, yes, we are cool. We are one of the most successful countries in the world. We have the best entertainment, too. You know that show Ed, Edd n Eddy that you devote countless hours of obsessing and drawing fan art over?? American. You're welcome.

  4. I respected you and agreed with you up until I saw this post. You talk about how " hippies" are bigots against human beings yet you post a whole blog about how we(Americans) are all "swine". I'm American and I know my country's past very well, but just because my GOVERNMENT ( not the American people bitch) did some unspeakable shit back then means I shouldn't be proud of where I live. If so than why not say the Germans shouldn't be proud, or the English and all the shit Queen Victoria pulled in India in the 1850s and 60s. All countries have idiots and governments that did and still do horrible acts. Don't judge Americans on what our government did in the past or is still doing, or the stereotypes Europeans hear everyday about this country, or keep judging, it only makes you look like an bigoted ass. P.S. I'm glad you enjoy Edd,Ed,and Eddy as much as I do, but their American as well. So according to you, you have been drawing "swines". Just a thought.

  5. Says the girl who is dating an American.

  6. AGREED. I don't like the American pride people have here; it's sickening & annoying.

  7. I don't care if I get in trouble for this, but as a person who has Asperger's, questions his sexuality, and was born raised in Georgia as a Catholic, there is something I want to say.

    I. Despise. America.

    I can't be myself in this rotten ass nation without being called a politically correct SJW or whatever the hell they're called.

    When did it all change? When did it become taboo to be considerate of another person's inherit humanity? When did it become a crime to live and let live? When did asserting your individuality become just as bad as bullying?

    Go ahead and call me a "special snowflake," I don't care anymore.

  8. This nation is seriously pissing me off.

    I can't write a strong female, non-white, LGBT, or disabled character without someone calling me an SJW.

  9. It's me again, here to piss people off with the following. If there is one thing that I hate America for, believe it or not, it's for its so-called "freedom." I could write an entire essay on why this country's freedom is just an idea and nothing more.

    Hence, I am going to say that I hate free speech because it's just an idea. Contrary to popular belief, extremists and reactionaries DO NOT have the right to say what they want about me. I am a human being who can feel and think and act for himself. Nobody has the so-called right to vilify me for being different and just trying to live his short life on this planet.

    Every concept and idea pertaining to freedom be damned.
