
Typical love songs

Songs that go "baby, I'll be true", "baby, we were ment to be", "baby, I'll never let you go" or even dare to use the word "baby" at all.

Easy sentences that rhyme with everything; they sure are tempting to use when writing a song. Too bad they don't mean anything and a zillion other wannabe-love song writers use the exact same lines. But not only unknown songs have these lines; famous songs and artists also have no shame in using a bunch of overused, meaningless sentences in their lyrics.
As long it earns you your millions, why should you bother anyway, right? It's not like you
actually wrote this love song for someone you, well, love. I am not certain who started using the word "baby" as a love term, and I'm sure it was cute the first few seconds, but after every lame-ass rapper and popsinger started shouting it every second, it lost its "cuteness". Anyone who dares to use the word in their song is obviously uninspired. If a person tried to steal my heart with a love song and even dared to use the word "baby", they'd be expecting me to empty a rifle in their face.

Next to this issue, I noticed alot of songs using the earlier mentioned sentence "I'll be true". Very nice, but I don't need to hear these kind of sentences from artists who are either a minor/teenager or a person who had over 9000 affaires, relationships, or never one at all. Maybe they sing these songs for the 0.02% of the world population that does "stay true to their baby".
But not only are the people who sing these kind of songs total scumbags or whores, they sing the songs like scumbags and whores, in a scumbag and whore genre, dressed up like a scumbag or a whore.
It will impress nobody. It will convince nobody. Not the people who've experienced actual

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