
The new Cartoon Network (1)

If you are a person who appreciates cartoons, I am certain you watch Cartoon Network so now and then. And as you noticed, Cartoon Network stopped living up its own name recently. If you zap through a few random children's channels you'll see that most of today's shows are real-life series, rather than cartoons. This wouldn't be so bad if Cartoon Network chose not to follow this mindless craze.

If you knew Cartoon Network's previous state, let's say, around the year 1999, you would be very disappointed now. Most of the cartoons that used to air stopped making an appearance or only air half a second or around the time you're out for work or school. That means people have no other choice but to watch their favourite childhood shows at sites like Youtube, until these shows get taken off by the "owners". I ask you: If there were never any DVD's
sold of these shows and Cartoon Network doesn't even air them anymore, where are we supposed to watch them? Preferably on a channel not everybody has, it seems.

Only a few Cartoon Network cartoons got the honour of getting their own DVD, while Nickelodeon seems to give every single one of their garbage their own DVD set.

Now, not only live actio
n series brought this channel down, but also some of the newer "cartoons". I am not saying this because I'm used to the 1999 treats, but because I'm certain about my case; these cartoons are awful. I actually bothered to watch at least two episodes of every new show that randomly appeared on screen.
A few of the most saddest shows I encountered were
"Total Drama Island", "Chop Socky Chooks" and "Skunk Fu".
Total Drama Island
is basicly real life being animated, or so it tries to be. With other words, useless.

Chop Socky Chooks is the most racist, fucking, lame-ass show with the worst character design I ever laid my eyes on. These bitches are actually supposed to be chickens.
And Skunk Fu is just one of the million cartoons about martial arts. And not even an interesting one.

I am most certainly not implying that all the past cartoons were the best, but at least they had value. Now I have the fee
ling that the animators of today are messing with us.
I don't want these cheap Flash animations anymore.

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