
Bagpipes in cartoons

I watched quite an awkward cartoon this morning, it was about this redhaired boy with glasses who changes into someone or something else every day.
I think it was called "Martin Morning". Fitting.

Today's episode involved him turning into a Scotsman, so he woke up with a skirt and a fancy matching hat. Great, now all the children watching will assume all the Scottish wear a skirt
and that every man who wears a skirt is Scottish.
Though that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that Martin and his obsessed fan/friend were mocking the skirt.

Next to the fact that no one in Scotland walks around like that in daily life, it greatly annoys me that so many cartoons bring up the stereotype and bash their (old) cultural habits. Not to mention the old bagpipe-joke many cartoons seem to bring up; when a character wants
to annoy another character he/she always grabs some bagpipes and starts playing a semi-catchy tune for everyone to enjoy.
What is this hate towards bagpipes? It's a beautiful instrument, but if you can't play it properly then of course it sounds bad. That's the case with every instrument.

And since when is a skirt "not manly"? Many men wore a skirt in the past. What about the indians, vikings and not to mention the pope, who wears an entire dress and still dares to say homosexuality is bad. That's funny.
What's also funny is the fact that there has never been a single Scot who complained about this unfair treatment in the television world, a whole lot different than religion, a group who has the need to complain about everything.

Cartoons are meant to be funny, and I'm not saying that ridiculing something can't be funny, but it's time for some new jokes. Lay off the bagpipes, it never made anyone laugh.

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