
Michael Jackson

The guy made good music. So? Since when is talent a ticket to freedom from a courtroom?

I think it's only curious that so many children claimed to be abused by him. Alot of people say the families were out for Jackson's money, but this all doesn't take away the fact that Mr. Jackson was a disturbed and messed up figure.
I wouldn't already appreciate a fullgrown man lying in bed with my child, drinking Jesus juice. Wether he did "the naughty thing" or not.

The problem with Michael
and the rest of America is that they all blame it to his parents, especially his father and think his past abuse is a good excuse for Michael to be acting like a total nutjob, "because he only wanted to be a child again, since he didn't have the opportunity back then, ect".
There are alot of abused children in the world and they didn't turn out half as crazy like he did.

Michael always said he loved dancing and singing,
and since he got tons of money with doing something what he liked I don't see the reason to think your life is still incomplete. He got everything he ever wanted, even a new skin. Did we really try to learn to "just run away from a fight" and to "respect each other and yourself" from a man with such an incredible low self esteem?
He looked like a zombie, and you can't convince me that Michael was blind for his own hideous appearance. He had all the time to stop this makeover-madness. He killed himself and I am certain of that.

Yet what really angers me is how the media scolded him for being a pedofile just the day before and later reacted to his death with great "sorrow".
Really, choose a side or shut up, it's not that hard.

Of course after his death alot of people were quite busy making beautiful tributes. Too bad all of them were with pictures of Michael from a zillion years ago; since even the fans know he destroyed his own face and was no tribute material. But how much of a fan are you if you're not able to acknowledge the real Michael and just keep living in your own world? A very good fan, but not a very good individual.

It's clear that someone has to die first to get respect. Just look at Elvis Presley; he was a fat, wife-beating bastard, but when he died there was no way people brought up all the bad stuff he did or the fact how unappealing he looked. They showed nothing else but the nice pictures from the past, where he was still young and slender.

And that's what happened right after Michael's death, too.

Again people, pick a side
and stick to it, otherwise get lost. Everyone's a hypocrite.

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