
Girls who cosplay as male characters

99% of the time they only do it to fulfill their pointless slash/yaoi fantasy, and that's when I can't stand to look at it.

They grab their expensive/cheap cameras to capture the great romantic act of them kissing their female friend, who's cosplaying as the male character they wish the male character they're cosplaying as to have sex with, and greet the viewers with that convinced look on their face; as if their cosplay is flawless and they actually look like the person in question.
You girls are scumbags and a waste of life. In fact, as both "lovers" are females dressed as males, you just appear twice as gay.
Is it really worth it to go through all this trouble to, again, portray homosexuality as the ultimate porn invention. 

It's like cosplaying is women's own special, drawn-out way to be perverted and annoying, and I simply have so respect for these people. You are filth. You disgust me. You will never look like man, you just look like a stupid wannabe. Your cosplay is just as hideous and pointless as your intentions are, and how you can find the time to waste everyone else's like this is astonishing.

But fine, fulfill your fetish of being that fictional gay-but-actually-straight boy, but keep your actions and your pictures to yourself for once. What is it exactly you want to brag about?

While alot of girls tend to cosplay as anime characters, you can make the argument that anime men look pretty feminine themselves, therefore it all comes together; but it's just not the same. You are a girl, I can see you're a girl, and that will never change.
Especially girls who cosplay as butch-, or even normal male characters, confuse me. Their pride over their terrible "gender disguise" confuses me. I can't be the only one bothered by all this?

Of course I'm not saying that girls should only dress like girls, or want to take away anyone's fun, but if you badly dress yourself like this for the purpose of overused pornography, why should I be supportive. Dumb shit needs to know it's dumb shit.

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