
My inability to be a hater

I'm pretty sure people would disagree with me on that, as having an (negative) opinion automatically qualifies you as "being a hater", and I have devoted an entire blog to everything I dislike in the world, but, I'm talking about a very distinctive kind of raging that I'd just love to do, but can't get myself to do it.

Leaving negative comments on every terrible video and drawing I can find on the internet, that sounds like a dream to me.

Even after everything I complained about, I'm still not really a hateful person in body and mind. We all have those things that make us swell up with that hot feeling of anger, or we're simply so sick of seeing something, we want to tell them in the comments section.

I want to tell those artists they are sick fucks.
I want to tell those artists they are following the shittiest fad ever, and it looks retarded.
I want to tell that very famous and loved Youtuber their videos are unfunny.
I want to tell that very famous and loved Youtuber they are a waste of time.

It would make me feel so incredibly relieved if I approached the instances, that were often the reason I wrote some of the articles on here, and just destroyed them. I cheer for the people who rage for me, but that's nearly not often enough; and so, I'm stuck watching shitty things "appear" good, because everyone in the comment section is a sick/delusional fuck, just like the creator, and they cheer for him.

Wow, that character assraping that other character is so kawaii!

The reason this blog exists is to satisfy myself. With who else can I talk about these things? I won't bottle up my emotions for these awful creations these awful people created. The fact is, as long I'm not giving out any specific links, I'm in the blue, and being in the blue simply means I appear slightly less assholish.

Your image matters, and while we're on the internet, I don't feel much for making an ass out of myself. There are people following what I do, so I can't really make use of that internet anonymity.

Besides, while most can agree that, for example, fetish art does not deserve any kind of respect, you have to realise that certain art attracts certain people, so you can expect nothing else but a 50-to-1 fight with "fans" who make you look like the villain.
It is such a tremendous waste of time explaining mental cases why they're mental, and I've done it before. And I probably will in the future, but I always try to avoid starting neverending arguments.
I hate arguments more than I hate my inability to be a hater.

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