
The arrogance in the fashion world

Most of the clothes look bland or ugly, most of the models look bland or ugly, and I'm not impressed by the Photoshop skills of the photographers; the world of fashion is a joke made up by pompous people who want to act serious business.
Are you serious. It's people wearing clothes. Usually clothes that are so clumsy, out-of-place or fragile, they are completely useless in real life.

But the fashion world isn't real life. It's not for real people. It has no real value or evolutionary purpose, it's just a fancy game of dress-up for people who either lost touch with reality or are in love with themselves.
And still, that's a very selective group, as models always have to follow these retarded rules. You can have a drop-dead gorgeous girl, but they tell her she will never make it because she's half an inch smaller from Hagrid, so they go for this square-faced, pig-eyed lady because she has long legs.

When I look at these overglorified and overexpensive clothes, it's obvious I'm missing something, as I'm more impressed by my 7 dollar sweater. No one would want these clothes, no one could wear these clothes in public, people would just smirk at you. 
Why do these clothes exist?

I am completely fine with people making their own stuff, but who was it who decided it was worth anything.
I used to make mermaid tails out of my socks for my stuffed animals. So, yeah, if you want one, 1200 dollars each. Or wait, I don't have a holy approval from some arrogant designer who got a holy approval from some other arrogant designer yet. Aw, I'm just a smelly, uneducated commoner, then.

The fact some of them yank 14 year old girls from school to go do catwalks in New York already tells us they think they're better than giving people an education.
The fact some of them let girls starve, just so they can fit a skirt that easily could've been adjusted, tells us they think they're better than reason.

Still, as uninteresting the clothes tend to look, I've always been more bothered by the models.
Is there anything more beautiful or inviting than a smile? It certainly is. And that's why the models aren't beautiful or inviting. SMILE, YOU WENCHES.

I can't blame the models for this one, though, as some joker once decided that catwalkers should look like they're heading straight for their archenemy, so it's one of the rules of being a catwalker. Apparently it's attractive to look like a bitch? 
The frown of these girls is so deep, their eyebrows actually create a shadow over their eyes. But hey, if scowling is a sign of beauty, I'm a supermodel. Especially now I'm writing this.
The girls look unhappy to wear the clothes and unhappy to exist; just how does that sell their image or the clothes?

But not just their image is crap. Like I spoiled earlier on, some of these models are just not that special. I see people like them walk the streets daily, they inhabit the Earth, so why does this one person get the grand title? Especially when I see so many who look far better.
It doesn't help that these models, together with weird clothing, get the worst make-up slapped onto their face.

These models are supposed to be what their occupation tells them they are: beautiful humans, for the purpose of showing of other people's crap. But I do not envy them in any way. These people are not my idol or my God. In fact, they make me feel pretty.

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