

While I was busy writing some articles at my more "positive look on life"-blog, I again found myself feeling the hate burn.
I ended up discussing the behaviour of "fans" more than once, so it's basically hate for hate.

Without a doubt, fans are one of the shittiest kind of people there are. You wouldn't say so, as being a fan of something means you show love or interest in the thing or person you're fan of, but fans are actually worse than the so-called "haters" out there.
There are multiple despicable things these people do, but I'd like to start with the reason I started this article:

Fans never, ever support their idol's decisions.

When a person becomes fan of something, they have this unconscious feeling they are boss over this person or creation, so most changes are not welcomed. In fact, they are disapproved of, and may the actual people in charge burn in Hell for even attempting to do something differently. Fans think it's justified to make them feel like shit, because they believe that's the only way to make them change their mind. Sure, screaming "rape" and "murder" will make some people less motivated to pull through the changes, but should being a fan really include preventing your idols of ever evolving and expanding?
Nobody waits for the conclusion anymore, and instead they make their own half-assed conclusion before anyone was able to prove themselves. It happened to Sega and Sonic, the Spyro the Dragon series, the Nostalgia Critic and his experimental show "Demo Reel", the new Looney Tunes show/Lola Bunny, and countless of other media and people.

Just why is nothing ever good enough.
Just why does the thing you love so much not get a chance, from you, the person who claims to love it so much.
"Some things are better left alone" doesn't cut it. Times change, people change, and if the thing you love doesn't change, then it'll cease to exist at one point. Or, let's be honest, you'll get bored with it. There's only so much you can do.

Now, the second reason fans are terrible: porn.
Haters won't ever draw My Little Pony porn.

This is where I'll stop, as I've pretty much discussed this already.

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