
When the grandchildren of the victims guilt-trip the grandchildren of their wrong-doers

Human history is filled with quite some terrible things, and we've all been less than supportive and caring over each other. But, dearest grandchild of the grandchild of the grandchild of the black slave, is it fair to demand that little white boy to give you special attention and respect, because of something one of his family members "might" have done?
Not only it it quite a stretch to demand anything from a generation that has zero to do with whatever happened in the time before their birth, but who says anyone in his family was a slave owner.

Should the Germans of today go apologize to every newborn Jew?
Just when is it ever going to be enough?
And where do I belong on this scale? My grandfather is black. Should I pay up and get paid at the same time?

No one is anyone's slave anymore.
No one is being gassed in a chamber by a desperate jobless guy anymore.

For shit's sake, stop talking about it.

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