
The fact everything has to be a drama game show

I was watching Hell's Kitchen the other day, and as much as that show makes me laugh, I am still wondering what jumping over a 10 foot wall and crawling through mud in order to grab a lobster has anything to do with cooking.

And Hell's Kitchen is certainly not the only TV-show that tends to miss the point of its show sometimes.

To see talented candidates fall off just because they can't put a lasso over a pig seems like a terrible waste, and I wonder if these show hosts ever tried to talk to the directors about it. Especially the honest Gordon Ramsey; hasn't he ever walked into their office and said "What the bloody Hell are you donkeys doing with my chefs! Get out! Get out, Goddamnit!". Not only that, but the candidates in these shows are beyond terrible. There are always a handful of people who only exist for the drama, and have to show pure hate and disgust for everyone else.
It makes me wonder how real all of this really is.

For example: when you watch the American or Australian Masterchef, you sometimes feel like you're watching a soap opera. But then I watch my own version, and people are, well, people. Normal human beings who act how they would act around strangers.
They focus on their own work and progress, and don't waste time badmouthing someone else. We cause no drama.
Having that said, our version is rather boring, because we're all so used to the game-show insanity and drama, everything normal and honest puts us to sleep.

We are turning into horrible creatures.

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