
Animal whisperers

Not like Cesar Millan, but like these annoyingly cheesy people who pretend to know what an animal is "saying".
Animals don't talk and hardly think, let alone ponder; and especially don't do it in the human language, never mind all the different languages out there, or in a language even slightly similar to ours.

To sit here and listen to some crazy hippy woman rambling to some dog owner that the dog "realises he's been castrated, but understands and wants his owner to stop regretting it" is just an amazing load of bull I can't get over. This scenario I actually saw on television.

But not only that annoys me, but also these regular pet owners who talk "for" their pets, and greeting cards of animals who look like they clearly don't know where the heck they are, but some cute text on the card is apparently showing the exact thoughts they had that moment.

"I love you from the bottom of my bark" says the tiny confused dog in the pink basket wearing a hat.
Yes, I'm sure he "said" that.

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