
Being told what animals are not okey to eat

Why is it accepted by our society to devour pigs, chickens, cows and sheep, but not the animals we consider "pets"? Or horses for that matter. Are horses better than cows? Horses are dicks. Cows are good people.
While you can still order horse at a restaurant near you, when you tell the average little girl you ate horse yesterday, you're a demon.

The argument that we shouldn't eat dogs and cats is either because they're "cute" or "smart enough to teach tricks to, so therefore you shouldn't stick it in your mouth", while I think "cute" is an opinion and people who mention the latter know nothing about pigs. Any animal is capable of learning at least something, and the animals we eat also have their own personality. They are not less valuable than any other animal.

It's interesting to see how different cultures put different values on animals.

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