
Shallow Hals

People with high standards who demand other people to lower theirs, concerning dating.

I didn't think it appeared that often, but apparently there are alot of people, not good looking people, who demand from their pretty opposite gender to lower their standards and date them. "Give them a chance", as they would call it. 
And only the pretty men and women have to do this, as these people are not even willing to give less attractive men or women a chance themselves.

That is amazingly hypocrite.

While we try to teach our society that it's the inside what matters, we still have to realise that it's the outside that draws the attention. Not because humans are shallow, but simply because it's part of human nature. Whether we like it or not, first impression matters, unless you get stuck in a situation that forces you to get to know someone you wouldn't even give a second of your time in any other situation. And that does happen today, through match makers for example, and it's effective.

Having that said, perhaps it is the inside of these people that truly turns off others.

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