
Sex until marriage

Looks like I decided on a theme this month.

I fully respect the idea of people not jumping in the bed together after knowing each other for only one hour, or even a year, but it's the marriage aspect that bothers me.

Marriage is like a relationship you can't comfortably leave when things are going to shit. It's a relationship with a lock on it and someone else has the key, and asking for that key can be awkward or impossible. Some don't always ask for that key.
Maybe that's why some couples turn so unpleasant the moment they are married; because this idea creates stress in their underbellies that will grow bigger every time they end up in an argument with their spouse. Every fight pushes them closer towards the thought "We're fighting again and I married this person, oh God, was it a mistake?".
You're less worried about the present and the future if you have a simple girlfriend/boyfriend status, without any papers and rings chainballing you to that other person. If I may describe it that way.

Of course, I won't just throw dirt at the concept, this is obviously my view on the issue. There are enough people who want this and have a successful contract with each other.
But I am talking about this because sex is a very private and intimate act between two people, and
like dating, it helps you determine if your partner is truly suitable to do that which takes your relationship to the highest level: marriage.

Nothing sucks more than marrying a person who is shit in bed, or marrying a person who happens to have fetishes or preferences you cannot find yourself in. Intercourse teaches you more about another person, and waiting to discover something you won't be happy with after you're already "chainballed" to someone, making you more anxious to leave, but less motivated to do so as you've already paid for the party and played the game in front of all your friends and family, makes for a sad life.

The person you watch a movie with is different from who you share the bed with. Otherwise you should consider every one of your friends or siblings for marriage.

And then there's also the issue that the rule gets misused, because really, it's only thought up by worried religious parents who want to put a leash on teenagers following their hormones. These young people will simply get married for the sole purpose of intercourse and then get divorced again, because the person they found sexually attractive was nothing but sexually attractive to them.

Disney relationships with a realistic ending.

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