
Pawn stores

They rip off people without shame and even show off their evil tricks on television. No shame at all.

This article could've been about the questionable realism in shows like "Pawn Stars", but what bothers me more is the fact they're always cheapskating on extremely valuable items. In their personal interviews they're all like "AND THEN I KNEW I HAD TO HAVE THIS ITEM IN MY STORE!", but when the camera cuts back to the guy and the customer negotiating, they're all like "Yeeeaaaaah, I know it's worth 10.000 dollars, but it's going to be so haaaaaard trying to sell it, there's really no interest for it, so I'm offering 200 bucks...".
Either the customer is intelligent and doesn't take the deal, or they're idiots with debts who just want to get whatever they can right that instant and agree to it, and what follows afterwards is the camera cutting back to the salesman going all "Yeah! There's gonna be so much demand for this thing, it's a true treasure for the store!".

What the coo? You JUST told the guy there's no way in Hell you'll get rid of the item, and now it's suddenly the grand hot cake? Just. You son of a bitch.

Don't people watch these shows? Don't they see how these store owners are laughing behind their backs? Why do they still go to these pawn shops with their museum pieces? Are they blind, deaf or overall insane? Do they just want to get on television?
It breaks my heart seeing people get ripped off like this and these store owners, perhaps unknowingly, admitting to it.

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