
"The meaning of life"

Humans are the only creatures in the entire universe with such a disgustingly huge ego, that they honestly think they've been "put on Earth" with a purpose. Nobody questions the "purpose" of dolphins or lions, yet we believe we are here for something greater.
Screw animals, they can't even hold a gun, we are obviously better because we can recognize shapes.

We are unwilling to accept the truth, especially if it concerns us and the actual truth, and as proven before, that is not a rare thing for us to do. Without a doubt; we are able to think in ways no other animal can, but this comes with a price. We possess so much knowledge, it actually affects our logic.
But besides that, there are many animals who can do things we cannot. Why aren't they special.

We don't have a purpose. If you want a purpose, give yourself one. Still don't understand "the meaning of life"? Well, if you have so much problem with life, kill yourself. Don't make things complicated all the time.

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