
Victim blame

"Well, if you didn't want to get raped, you shouldn't have worn a skirt."

Isn't that just easy? We all feel so much better than the common animal, but when it concerns crime, suddenly we see ourselves as simple-minded apes, and thus it is always the victim's fault for "tempting" that dumb little animal that is the rapist. I guess you are entitled to have sex with someone who is dressed a certain way?

Okey, I guess you are also entitled to eat the pie someone left out to cool in their window, and to walk over someone's lawn when their porch is open, oh, and everytime you see money out in the open, for example when you're at the cash register paying for your fungus ointment, it is yours. If you can grab it right out of the cash drawer or right out of the cashier's hands, it's yours.

I thought we were supposed to be intelligent beings.

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