
The Westboro Baptist Church

I complained about religion before, but these assholes take the cake. And you know what, in many aspects, these monsters are the "real" Christians. They follow the crippled morals in the Bible without question. Though, they just as easily close their ears when you note them on a faulty or contradicting verse.

Maybe we should all just agree that the Bible isn't really that well written. Still a better love story than Twilight, though.

It's always been a game of "pick and choose" to most religious people, but really, if the claim of the existence of a higher power is in the same book where countless of murders, incest, discrimination and rape is mentioned and accepted, why discard these instances?
I thank you for discarding them, but are you still the devoted follower of God; He who did and accepted it?

Lets close our eyes for everything that is obviously morally wrong, and say "but that was the OLD Testament". Because the new one is so much better, a
m I right.

Even though they shove everything onto God's shoulders ("Well, I can't say if you're going to Hell, that's up to God"), I still prefer these cowards over the jolly members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
They are so deprived from empathy, it's easy to assume all of these people have brain damage and are a gunshot away from being dangerous psychopaths. The fact they are allowed to give birth and raise children amazes me. Where are child services on them? Isn't brainwashing a child considered abuse?

They are the living example that human beings are very much able to not give a fuck about anything. The moment a member does something "out of line", like holding hands with their boy- or girlfriend in public, they are banned and shunned. And that's pretty much the only favour the Westboro Bapist Church does to its fellow man. And because they are such good sports, they make sure their own siblings and friends hate them forever too, because God and Jesus clearly taught us to hate each other.

The sign of a succesful civilization.

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