
Not being allowed to bear a grudge

According to many people, the first stage of healing your wounded soul is to forgive the person that did you wrong. And I find that a load of bull.

Why would you give that person a free card? How will they learn from their evil deeds if the victims are taught to accept it, and thus there are no real consequences for them?
A bully should know he's scum, a cheater should know he's scum, and a murderer should know he's scum. Do them a favour and let them know they're scum, otherwise, what will stop them from doing the same thing again tomorrow? The murderer will go to jail, but what about the bully and the cheater?

I think it's quite something to tell a victim they are not allowed to emote. They are angry and they have the right to be angry for the rest of their lives, if they wish to be.

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