
False remorse

"I got caught, therefore I'm sorry."

How many criminals were honestly sorry and turned themselves in for their crimes? Not enough.


Not being allowed to bear a grudge

According to many people, the first stage of healing your wounded soul is to forgive the person that did you wrong. And I find that a load of bull.

Why would you give that person a free card? How will they learn from their evil deeds if the victims are taught to accept it, and thus there are no real consequences for them?
A bully should know he's scum, a cheater should know he's scum, and a murderer should know he's scum. Do them a favour and let them know they're scum, otherwise, what will stop them from doing the same thing again tomorrow? The murderer will go to jail, but what about the bully and the cheater?

I think it's quite something to tell a victim they are not allowed to emote. They are angry and they have the right to be angry for the rest of their lives, if they wish to be.


"I don't have problem with ..., some of my best friends are ..."

Give me a break.

Misusing the words "brave" and "heroes"

Why are handicapped children called "brave"? They have what they have and they live life the best they can. There's not much else they can do.

Why are police officers/firemen/soldiers, those who are doing what they're being paid for, called "heroes"? They are doing their job, for which they're being paid for. They knew what they were getting into when they started their training for these jobs.

Both these words should be reserved for people who actually do something, and do that something without any kind of reward or without any kind of expectation from them.
We're getting lazy, we're using the wrong words to describe people or their actions.

Frozen's homosexual message claim

I watched Frozen a little while ago, and although it made me laugh at some parts, I didn't think it was better than all the previous movies Disney made. I was surprised to see that the character everyone drew on the internet was hardly a main character, or has any personality, and I was quite sad it was again a 3D movie. 3D feels so lazy.

Anyway, I was already fairly familiar with the discussions surrounding the movie, but now having seen the movie, I can finally conclude that I hate all of you. For some reason people really felt the need to give this movie an unholy amount of attention and they overglorify it more than Disney's previous recent productions, and really, it's only because people are making up shit about it:

What is the deal with the homosexual message claim?

The whole "homosexual message" is based on the sacrifice and love two sisters have for each other, and to see it as anything else is just messed up.
How insane and perverted are you, that your mind turned a bond between sisters into a lesbian love story, and then continue on to attack Disney for making this "o-so-very-obvious gay promotional film to brainwash our children with"?

Sod off, humanity, I can't even look at you anymore.

Victim blame

"Well, if you didn't want to get raped, you shouldn't have worn a skirt."

Isn't that just easy? We all feel so much better than the common animal, but when it concerns crime, suddenly we see ourselves as simple-minded apes, and thus it is always the victim's fault for "tempting" that dumb little animal that is the rapist. I guess you are entitled to have sex with someone who is dressed a certain way?

Okey, I guess you are also entitled to eat the pie someone left out to cool in their window, and to walk over someone's lawn when their porch is open, oh, and everytime you see money out in the open, for example when you're at the cash register paying for your fungus ointment, it is yours. If you can grab it right out of the cash drawer or right out of the cashier's hands, it's yours.

I thought we were supposed to be intelligent beings.

Beauty and the Beast's story in Kingdom Hearts 2

It's the strangest, most depressing thing I've ever seen from the series. Not in a cleverly written or artistic way.
I wonder why I didn't write about this earlier, it always bothered me.

In short, for those unaware of the story: Kingdom Hearts 2 though it was a good idea to have one of their own characters try to talk the beast into suicide.
The beast actually thinking about killing himself and rebelling against Belle was incredibly unneccesary. He and Belle were close in the first game; what makes him think all is lost now. He was turned into such an overcomplicating crybaby, it was hard to sit through his scenes.

This is also why I don't like the Beauty and the Beast direct-to-videos. 
I have the Christmas special, and in that one Belle and the beast have the same good relationship, but then everything turns to shit very quickly, just because Belle wants to celebrate Christmas.
Just. What. And there's another creepy character whispering in the beast's ear, brainwashing his dog brain, turning him into king Emo of I-Can-Trust-No-One-And-It's-No-Use Land.

It just doesn't make any sense. The beast is overreacting so badly in these stories, it's like the writers want the beast to be his douchy depressed self from the beginning, but have to get in done in a time period where he was no longer douchy and depressed. Making him extra douchy and depressed.
If we have to accept these mood swings as canon, I'm urged to ship Belle with Gaston, instead of the beast. At least Gaston is consistent.

Female animals portrayed as males in cartoons

The default for everything seems to be "male". For some reason it's always been easier for us to call a dog we see walking on the street a "he" than a "she", before we identify its gender.
But I still can't get over the cartoons that show animals like ants or bees all being males, or where they introduce a king, as portrayed in the game "King's Quest 5", or even have a mixed community, as portrayed in the movies "AntZ", "A Bugs Life" and "A Bee Movie". And of course, all the gender roles are still there. The hardest work is being done by males.

It must really suck being a girl if the lead character has to be male in an animal community that pretty much only has females. 

Why is the human race so obsessed with male lead characters? We are a mixed community, and the numbers even show there are more women on this planet than men. Slightly more. But for some reason we're still more comfortable with a male hero than a female one. After all, in all the mentioned movies above, it's a male character who has the lead.

That one boring friend

For those who have more than two friends; you can probably relate. Unless you are that boring friend.

In every group of friends there seems to be this one person who lacks iniative to do or say anything, but do well when with people who are funnier and more exciting than them. But whenever you're alone with this friend, you feel like you have to work extra hard to keep the show going and avoid an awkward silence.

These kind of people just leave you tired at the end of the day.

The Westboro Baptist Church

I complained about religion before, but these assholes take the cake. And you know what, in many aspects, these monsters are the "real" Christians. They follow the crippled morals in the Bible without question. Though, they just as easily close their ears when you note them on a faulty or contradicting verse.

Maybe we should all just agree that the Bible isn't really that well written. Still a better love story than Twilight, though.

It's always been a game of "pick and choose" to most religious people, but really, if the claim of the existence of a higher power is in the same book where countless of murders, incest, discrimination and rape is mentioned and accepted, why discard these instances?
I thank you for discarding them, but are you still the devoted follower of God; He who did and accepted it?

Lets close our eyes for everything that is obviously morally wrong, and say "but that was the OLD Testament". Because the new one is so much better, a
m I right.

Even though they shove everything onto God's shoulders ("Well, I can't say if you're going to Hell, that's up to God"), I still prefer these cowards over the jolly members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
They are so deprived from empathy, it's easy to assume all of these people have brain damage and are a gunshot away from being dangerous psychopaths. The fact they are allowed to give birth and raise children amazes me. Where are child services on them? Isn't brainwashing a child considered abuse?

They are the living example that human beings are very much able to not give a fuck about anything. The moment a member does something "out of line", like holding hands with their boy- or girlfriend in public, they are banned and shunned. And that's pretty much the only favour the Westboro Bapist Church does to its fellow man. And because they are such good sports, they make sure their own siblings and friends hate them forever too, because God and Jesus clearly taught us to hate each other.

The sign of a succesful civilization.

People who announce they're unsubbing

Cry me a river.

What makes you think a popular Youtuber cares about your whiny comment about "how you're disappointed in him" or "his videos aren't funny anymore".
The fact you can't just press the unsub button and leave means you're out for attention.