
Black (comedic) Youtubers and black (Youtube) comedians

Some of them make me laugh, some of them make me cringe, but they all have this one unfunny gimmick they're leeching onto:
That they're black.

Obviously, I had to first come across people like these to really discover how much it makes me frown, and obviously you accept it from the first 2 fellas you listen to, but when you notice the majority is doing it, you don't know what to think.

Guys. Why are you doing it. Why is calling out that you're black, or mentioning the word "black" in your username considered your best asset.
I mean, go ahead and make fun of yourself. But whatever reason you're doing it for, it's not cool, funny, or creating that psychological shield around you to protect you from racist comments and views of others.
I consider it the worst "If you can't beat them, join them"-move I've ever experienced.

If white people were to do it, it would make no sense.

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