The Tofus is a cartoon where we basically follow the lives of hippy extremists. I really wouldn't be surprised if these treehumpers changed their name into "Tofu", just so it fits their boring image.
About the family; I don't remember much about the father, besides being an alright character, but I remember the mother alone being the worst element in the entire show. This goldenhaired wench doesn't want to give her children anything and puts way too much value in "being green". She should get punched in the leafs.
The two hippy children are the only family members who are close to being human, since they actually want to have "fun" and sometimes even lie to their parents to shut them up. But why is it that the boy looks more feminine than the girl?
I tried to like this cartoon and I watched it quite some times, but it never ceased to annoy me every time I did. I hate these characters so much.
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