
Ebeeto's loyal fans

Ebeeto is a Youtube user who made little, but left a great impact. His best work being his role as the "Angry Video Game Fag".

At one point he just quit doing what he did and left his fans with but a small collection of (parody) video game reviews. Personally, I don't mind it that much anymore. But even after a year people visit his page and leave the most idiotic comments. When looking at these comments you'd think they're from his enemies, but they are actually from his fans.

I don't understand how "Make a fucking video, you fat fuck" will cause your idol to come back, and I just quoted one of the nicer comments.

A year ago I spotted many similar messages and expected they would stop after a month, the least, but it's like Ebeeto's fans exist purely out of mental institution patients. They are still on his back, while it's to be expected he won't return any time soon.

If the man is wise, he'll never come back again. Fuck those fat fucks.

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