
Asking respect for bad behaviour

A little while ago I heard the song "Stay High" (the Habits remix) for the first time, and while I really like it, upon taking a closer listen to the lyrics and having listened to the original song, I was already thinking about writing an article about my dislike for people who drink and fuck their brains out just because they're depressed, but after reading the comments on both songs, there was something that annoyed me a bit more.

There are actually people that say things like "The disapproving people just don't understand, they haven't experienced real sorrow", or something in that sense.

What? So, are we supposed to understand and respect those who land their tongue in the throat of every person they come across, just because their partner broke up with them? Their ex will be thrilled to know that, especially when he/she is considering to come back to them.
Never mind that an ended relationship is hardly a reason to act like a bitch (go to a third world country to get some real problems), how about demanding our respect for the people who actually get help and go to therapy, or those who simply don't drink, party and have sex till they drop to "numb the pain"?
Our society is so trained to embrace the extreme cases, while we ignore all the good efforts done by people who experienced the same pain, or even worse.

Do not ask me to respect addicted whores. There is never a good reason to be an addicted whore.

1 comment:

  1. A bit off topic, but I'm starting to feel like I am one of the only souls in existence that doesn't find much appeal in flooding your brain with any alcohol placed in front of you, followed by a morning with your head ankle-deep in the toilet of a stranger's bathroom. I'd rather just relax with some friends and play soccer or Smash Bros or something, where you can enjoy the fun while it lasts.
