

My Little Pony was supposed to have the same kind of audience as the Bratz and Barbie cartoons, yet all the little girls were immediately pushed aside by adult men the moment it aired. Adult men with a passion for drawing pony pussy and having conversations with each other about what pony they'd rather fuck.

The girls this cartoon was meant for have no place to turn to, as everything redirects them to pornography or disturbing conversations. This is the overall image the fandom created for itself.

Just where are all the little girl watchers, anyway.

The shittiest point of defense I've heard from adult fans is that My Little Pony was meant for everyone, because almighty Goddess Lauren Faust said so. 

No. What the creator meant is that families could watch this with their children without having the immediate urge to pull their hairs out. Neither Hasbro or Lauren looked at the old My Little Pony series and said to themselves "Yeah, let's make this toddler show the next Batman: The Animated Series"
Lauren just modernized it, like what happens to every cartoon at this day and age, but that doesn't mean the intended audience is now you, sir. 
Does that mean that just because a show is intended for someone, someone else couldn't possibly like it? Of course not, but that is not the issue I'm discussing if you bothered to read the first sentence of this paragraph.
Of course Lauren smiles at the final result and talks over it like it was all her intention. What is she supposed to do, shoo you and tell you to get a real hobby? You are earning her golden buckets of money; she's willing to show up at brony conventions and let her picture get taken with some rabid overaged fans for that.

I watched a few My Little Pony episodes long ago, and there wasn't much to dislike. But it obviously felt it was created for little girls. Apparently I'm one of the few who realized that.

Still, I already agreed with myself that it's not the cartoon itself I despise. I can't hate on shows for young children; no matter how silly, it would be a waste of my time to criticize Dora the Explorer or The Teletubbies, as it simply wasn't made for people of my age. My Little Pony is not too bad. Just a bit bland.

Having that said, I understand how an adult "could" say: "My Little Pony is not too bad", but that is not the case. This series summoned the basement child in every man, and they feel no shame for dressing themselves up as a pink fluffy pony or fighting each other about a toddlers' show.

You read reports about men fucking random horses while crying out the name of their favourite character, other men showing off their enormous sad collection of pony toys on the news, and the rest of the world has to suffer under this bullshit internet fad where they try to be cool by typing things like "I'm going to love and tolerate the fuck out of you". I'm sorry, but you already lost when you chose that My Little Pony screenshot as your profile picture.

I like how there are so many guys hating on things like Justin Bieber and Twilight, especially ridiculing all female fans over the age of 20, yet somehow My Little Pony isn't considered "gay" or "not for the senile".
Anyone who dares to question the show and its fans on the internet gets attacked by this stampede of wannabe-ponies. This is overused: but where is your "love and toleration" there.

Every fandom has their share of batshit crazy people, but after all the things I've heard and seen about the My Little Pony fandom, they take the rainbow cake. 
The fact stays that teenage and adult fans are the ones that destroy a cartoon fandom, as you won't see any 7-year-olds create sexual fanart or terrible fanfictions. My Little Pony simply didn't need to be a victim to this kind of filth.

Ironically enough, my little sister doesn't like My Little Pony at all. 
I was curious one day and wanted an honest discussion about bronies with my younger siblings, as they are pretty much the intended audience, and interestingly enough they were laughing their asses off.
I'm not the type to put words in their mouth, as that would defeat the point of having a discussion, and told them about this fandom as objectively possible. But even these children could not understand the attraction these grown men have towards these girly animals.

What else is ironic is the fact these "diehard" bronies hate the old My Little Pony series. I watched a few episodes of those as well. 
They. Are. Exactly. The. Same.

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