

I've been struggling to confess my dislike for bisexuals. But then I figured I'm allowed to express my opinion, so here is my bigoted confession.

I really tried to sit and think about bisexuality before forming and letting out an opinion, and I've been sitting and thinking for at least 8 years. I don't want to not understand people, but bisexuality is a behaviour/preference I don't understand, even if I tried. I've never been able to accept bisexuality as a legitimate sexuality, which I find strange of myself, as I accept the strangest things.

It's hard for me to believe they are the same as heterosexuals and homosexuals; how is it possible to be born with this attraction for both genders? How can you feel attracted to two completely different body types? Heteros and homos stick to one gender and don't just feel like they're more into breasts than dick one day, so how does it work?
Bisexuals give me the feeling they just say "fuck it" and go for whatever gender replies to their dating video tape. I simply cannot relate with people who are attracted to two completely different body types and completely different ways of making love. And as I cannot relate, I don't understand.
That is what I know.

I just want to know, is bisexuality an honest thing. Or are these people actually one thing, and in a curious mood cross the border for a little while? Or do they have some extreme sexual gay fantasies and just call themselves bisexual because of it? Or do they simply don't know, until they've found the one?
I find it especially interesting that the internet always had a fad going on where it's considered "cool" or "edgy" to call yourself bisexual. And emo. These people make the whole thing look like a joke.


  1. I'd like to thank you for approaching this the way you did, saying how and why you don't like something but not turning it into a bashing session without any true reason.

    I never really met many bi people, mostly because the people I meet keep that to themselves till it somehow comes up into converstation, and those I do know don't really 'just decide one day they're more into breasts than dick' they usally have a preferrance, one of my closer friends prefers girls but has dated boys because they were nice guys and had asked at the time she was single, and of course she found them attractive once she got to know them better.

    She calls herself bi because she truely finds both genders attractive and in a sexual way (in the way it 'gets her off' if I was to be blunt not just 'he/shes cute,oh wow I just be bisexual' as a lot of people seem to do).

    On the question 'do they have some extreme sexual gay fantasies and just call themselves bisexual because of it?'I think links in with the sudden fad thats come from calling yourself bi. I've had a range of friends tell me their 'crushes' on their own gender, mistaking close friendships and raging hormones for a sudden change of sexuality, then bragging how 'unique' and 'controversial' being bisexual is.

    Its become 'I'm different' tag thats mixed between making yourself open to both genders just to see if you'll get any interest at all or another thing to show off as an out-of-no-where converstation starter. In my un-asked for opinion it an honest thing, but its a hidden one behind all the 'fakers' and attenton seekers like the rare christens who keep their ideals to themselves and don't don hate signs on fridays. Then again what do I know? I don't even have a sexuality myself far as I'm concerned, I'm just fifthteen.

    (sorry about the removed comment, I'm a very bad speller)

  2. I came out as bisexual when I was 14 and thought I was that until I learned what pansexuality was.
    ( Pansexuality is basically that you don't care what gender the person has, the only thing that matters is personality. He/She can has boobs and a dick and I would be fine with that since that isn't the thing that gets me going. )

    Bisexuality is basically that you can fall for both. Many (if not all) bisexuals also have one gender they tend to lean to more, so a bisexual person can really be into girls for the most part but now and then find a guy that is just perfect and "oh hot stuff I just wanna eat you!".

    I got a lot of hate when I came out as bi. First because people around me are idiots, but also because they thought it was weird that I "could choose who I wanted". The thing is; I can't. I can't choose that I want to fall in love with a certain person, it just happens. I was only interested in boys (sort of) until age 14 where I realized that I looked at girls just as much, and fell in love with a girl. The feelings where real, and I can understand that it may be weird for a heterosexual person to try and understand it.

    "I find it especially interesting that the internet always had a fad going on where it's considered "cool", or "edgy", to call yourself bisexual. And emo. These people make the whole thing look like a joke."
    - I also hate every-fucking-one who "suddenly" became bisexual when it was popular. How can a sexuality even be popular? Do they know how bullied most bi/homosexuals are? I just don't get that.

    "Or do they have some extreme sexual gay fantasies and just call themselves bisexual because of it?"
    - For me it was more that I got the same affection for girls as boys. Everyone can have fantasies and crushes, but I don't think you should "change" sexuality until you have experienced "true love". A friend of mine (hetero) got a crush on a girl suddenly, and she felt so weird because it's the first time she ever fell for a girl, however; she doesn't call herself bisexual just because of that.

    "I just refuse to believe they are the same as heterosexuals and homosexuals, in the sense you get born with this attraction for both genders."
    - Well, I was. When I was very young and watched children's program and cartoons I eventually saw a guy/girl that I thought was cute, just like most kids. I discovered not too long ago that I actually felt for just as many boys as girls when I grew up.

    I hope this wasn't too messy. If you have questions, feel free to reply.

    / A pansexual fan
