

Despite the way the world is running itself, I haven't been angered enough by anything to write an article about for 3 years. But yesterday I heard a statement that was the tipping point for me. Hurray?

A day or three ago, I came across a Youtuber who occasionally dubs video game cutscenes with her friends; their Sonic the Hedgehog stuff being the funniest shit the world's been blessed with. Because these videos appeared to be 1% of what the channel does, though, I decided to browse through her other stuff.
I clicked a random stream, where halfway through a person in the chat commented on her accurate Sonic voice, to which she replied something along the lines of "I might be the only female Sonic voice actor". Maybe not the exact quote, but not a misinterpretation.
When her male born and male developed voice hit my female born and female developed ears, I couldn't help but feel awkward listening to this bold claim.

Like, Penny, you son of a bitch, don't you think I would've loved to be able to sound like Sonic the Hedgehog? Let me also make a bold claim and say there's not a single woman on this planet who can sound like Sonic. A more accurate thing you could've said was that you're the only transgender Sonic voice actor, but I guess that's a less special credit to give yourself.

So, how was this my tipping point? Well, there have been discussions going around about transsexual athletes and in what team they should belong: men or women. They pop up whenever a transgender woman destroys other women in competition, because whether certain groups of people like it or not, biology is a fact. There's a perceivable difference between men and women, and a reason these groups don't compete with each other in soccer matches.
I think it has been said that there's no rule in "male sports" that sends away women who want to apply, but they simply can't compete with a man. They never make the cut and are always weaker than the weakest male player, causing the genders to get seperated anyway. It doesn't matter if a woman trains as hard -or even harder- cause when it comes to raw strength, boys have it easier.

Then, what happens when you allow a transsexual woman into female sports? I predict they'd instantly become the number one player and decimate all the records set by, well, biological women. Even if your muscles slightly change by the hormonal drugs taken, you still have a male body under that pretty skin, with male muscle structure and eveything else nature has given you that can't be changed with surgery or drugs.
Interestingly enough, I only hear stories about transsexual women joining the other side and being celebrated, I've yet to see a story about an athlete transitioning and joining the men. Do they ever join the men or is the problem here they never come close to winning to earn themselves a spot in the news? Is demanding them to join the men seen as unfair, still? Will female sports become dominated by girls with biological male bodies and girls with artificial male bodies?
The image of "normal" women being flung around by these powerhouses makes me giggle, but to who is it fair?

On the other hand, we can't open up a special team for transgender athletes only. This group is too small. Of course, still big enough to steal someone else's record and become a controversial addition to the history books.

People also wonder if biological girls with a high testosterone level should compete without getting "disadvantaged" in some way, like taking testosterone lowering drugs. There's this South-African athlete who has to go through this every time. A bit like forcing a professional darter to wear an eyepatch because their eyesight is too good. Pretty inappropriate. But, then I read about this medical test from 10 years ago that concluded she's a hermaphrodite; with no actual womb, but internal testicles. I checked her Wiki page for confirmation, but it's silent about the details of her sex test.
To possess more testosterone than usual, whatever that means, doesn't automatically make you a man or on par with them, there's more to it, but if this 2009 test is genuine and there are testicles inside her body, it starts to touch that surface.

To close it off, if a hare ties a shield on its back and races with turtles, it'll likely win, and people right now are asking themselves if the hare deserves to get its photo on a magazine as "Fastest Turtle Alive!". After all, it identifies as a turtle and put a shield on its back, it's not easy to run like that, it might as well be a turtle? But are turtles slow because of their shell, or because of that shell in combination with their differently developed muscles and other factors?

Personally, I don't know what to do with this hare. It made a decision to change itself, and now it belongs nowhere. It can't ever win from regular hares and the turtles can't ever win from it. There's no solution I prefer and no hatred in my heart for the hare, but I would appreciate it if it didn't cheer itself on as the first turtle who ever succeeded.

I hope you liked my cool analogy, goodbye.


  1. Incredibly based. I see your childhood experiences of "Yaoi fanart sucks" have prevented you from jumping off the deep end of the internet. Gotta say I'm slightly surprised since it feels like 90% of Deviantart users are trannies these days.

  2. Incredibly based. I see your childhood experiences of "Yaoi fanart sucks" have prevented you from jumping off the deep end of the internet. Gotta say I'm slightly surprised since it feels like 90% of Deviantart users are trannies these days.
