
You think the "DEE IS ANGRY" blog is shit

I know you people are talking about me behind my back, and I've cared not for a very long time, and was planning to continue on not caring for the rest of my life.

But fine, it's been some years, let's talk about it here, so I know you'll read it.
You're one of them, Becca.
Do not remember you, sorry to inform you.

For a fair amount of time, I knew this "Dee is Angry" blog caused a handful of people grief. Or pure rage, more like it. That, while this blog was intended to be an outlet for me personally. I found myself a little too often making the same drawings/points at Deviantart, and I thought that if I would write it all down on this dead website I was sure nobody would ever go to, then I'd have some emotional rest and would stop soiling my other accounts with the same complaints. And I guess I could give people a link to an article when they'd ask me for my opinion about something.
Yet quite alot of people, I'm not sure I ever met, found this blog and are disgusted. Why? Well, the power of opinion is forever strong, but it's also because people, like people on the internet tend to do, always first create an image of you without your help, and when they're finally paying attention and you show your true self, you destroy that image and they get upset for not being what they wanted you to be. Though, I think many already disliked me for my age-old views on slash fanart, so this blog was a cake shop to them.

I want all of you to know that me disappointing you is not any of my concern, nor is it my fault. My time at Lionking Fanart was a silent one and I was a preteen girl; don't pretend to know who I was back then. My time at The3Eds was all baby-eating-jokes; how could anyone say what my true self was.
None of you knew me.

A thing I often tell people is "I don't owe you anything". It sounds like an unnecessary, mean thing to share, but it is the objective truth. None of us owe anyone anything, yet we often enough feel like we want to do good for others. Me included, believe it or not.
But I don't owe it to you to be this "cheerful, happy 2004 Mary Sue", who only exists to create visual entertainment for you, of course happens to agree with all your world views behind the scenes, and would never dare to, for example, question bisexuality.

I've definitely discussed some heavy subjects, as for enough small nonsense, and articles all people on the planet would agree with, and then of course there's my "DEE IS HAPPY" blog, but as always nobody reads or cares about that. Only the most negative titles gets shared around, because only those articles are desired for manually building up the rotten personality of this monster that is VampireMeerkat, for the anti-meerkat crew to then sit in a circle and rage about.

Fucking VampireMeerkat. How dare you hate slash fanart. It's because you hate homosexuals, obviously. And I see you complained about gay men dressing like women? Jackpot, oh, lucky day, I'll ignore the points made and just say I was right all along.

And that's always been the only reason for you. Everything I criticize is because of a morally corrupt reason. And of course it is. You hate me, so I need to be the most vile beast you can wish for. I understand that, but for shit's sake, all of you are so cheap. Your hits are cheap. If you want to talk about what's insulting, that's insulting, not this pathetic internet diary.
Not reading my explanations, just making up your own, that's the biggest blow to both your and my intelligence. I already told you what bothers me, so why are you making up unmentioned nonsense. Why are you deciding what I meant for me.

I changed my opinion concerning bisexuality a long time ago, nevertheless, I don't remember the article being that aggressive to begin with. From what I remember, I was honestly asking for clarification, and I received it from two helpful commenters. You can only dream about meeting with people like that on the internet, they are the type of people you can have honest discussions with. It only took these two to change an opinion I held for years, and they did it without calling me a bitch. They did it especially because they didn't call me a bitch. They recognized I asked a fucking question. Only a month ago or so I made a bisexual friend in real life; they've never "consciously" been part of my life before, I knew nothing, I wanted to know, why is that so hard to understand for the easily offended.

I'm sorry to disappoint the fans and the haters, but this blog needs to exist. I think it's fair to let people know what I think; see it as an "If you accept the worst of me, you're a true friend of mine"-kind of thing. This is why I never delete any of my comments either, and the old bisexuality article still exists. And behold, my crummy logic works: people who claim to have enjoyed my company at one point in time are now disappointed in my ass. Then I guess it's goodbye to you. Those who discard my opinions as "trolling" are useless to me. It's so void of respect, I would've rather had you call me an asshole in all CAPS.

Why am I not dead to you people. Why am I still a subject of your conversations with others, just stop talking about me behind my back. Move on with your life. Live in that bubble. I don't add anything to your life, obviously, and I'm not even interesting enough to gossip about, I'm not that controversial. The negative opinions I have on fanart is basic as Hell, I am not the most special poison flower that needs to be trampled, seriously, people.
The opinions outside of fanart deserve to be read and well-understood. I can't have a discussion with you if your conclusion is always going to be that I have a phobia. Stop it with that bull. I'll decide if I have a phobia, you know I'm annoyingly honest, I'll be sure to use the word myself if it were the truth.

So anyway, if any of you wants to start a discussion, don't bother to start one here. There are alot of articles at this blog, but I don't tend to visit often. Or at all. This site is just a diary to me where I only sometimes think of something to write about.
Send me a note at Deviantart or contact me on Facebook, even, but not here.



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