
Walt Disney presents: additions to classics you never asked for

This has bothered me ever since Disney started doing it, but it only just now it entered my mind again.

For some strange reason Disney thought it was a good idea to rerelease certain old animations and add previously deleted scenes to them. You may wonder why that bothers me so much and the reason is what any old fart would say: now kids today won't know the real deal. Or something of equally less objective value.

Honestly, in the case of The Lion King, where they added a song for Zazu called "The Morning Report", I didn't mind it that much. I understand why the song was originally left out, as it's short and pointless, but it was still catchy as Hell. Too bad Simba's appearance stuck out like a sore thumb, but they did a fair job. It could've been a whole lot worse.

Now, I'm not entirely sure how many old classics they changed when they put them on later video tapes or DVD; the only examples I know of are The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, which are perhaps the only movies they touched so far, but it's the Beauty and the Beast addition that actually motivated me to write this article.

Just like in The Lion King, they added an originally deleted musical number. Nothing too bad on paper, but this song was longer, it was boring, bland, and our translated version was cursed with this sudden different voice actor for the Beast. I don't know if the English version had a similar problem, but it was just some guy doing his regular voice, not the Beast's voice. I stared at a total mess.
It especially caught me off-guard since this scene popped up on a regular video tape I bought from a thrift store, and nowhere did it say it was the special edition. The cover was identical to my own copy of the movie.
I'm sure my siblings enjoyed my "That didn't happen", "This didn't happen", "What is this", "Holy cow, Beast sounds lame, why" during the entirety of the number, but were probably less bothered by it than I was.

I need a different hobby.

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