
Kingdom Hearts

No idea why I can't center images anymore, but anyway, I had to think about this one for a while, because I fondly remember the first time I played Kingdom Hearts and even now I'm excited for the third installment. For which they still didn't give a release date, but fine, it's not like it didn't take them long enough already.

But after some thought, I have to give in and say that Kingdom Hearts is a badly constructed series.

I was pretty involved with the characters in the first game, but every game that came afterwards shat out more and more characters, more strange explanations, and in the end I found it hard to follow the story. I remember having to go to a Wikia page that explained the whole mess, because the games are just all over the place. How is a preteen supposed to follow all this?
I was so confused by Birth by Sleep, even after playing it 5 times over I didn't understand the deal with Ventus, so I had to look it up. A few written sentences told me more than the game itself.
The titles assigned to the games are far from helpful, and instead of Square Enix giving us games progressing the original story, we get all these portable console games that play off in somewhere in the past or during Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, usually not starring Sora. I bought most of them, but I haven't played most of them. I feel so demotivated to do so, while it's pretty obvious these games are meant to be played if you want to know what's going on.
But why would you limit yourself by only releasing these crucial pieces of story to portable devices? What's wrong with you.

It's like this series wasn't meant to be a game series; I think it would've worked better as a tv-show. If it wasn't all so dramatic:

Another thing I don't like is all the exaggerated acting in this series, it oozes Square Enix. If they wanted to add drama, I think Disney should've taken the lead on that department, they know better than Square Enix how to balance it out. Sora falling on his knees in front of his long lost friend Riku would've been believable and emotional if Riku wasn't a random low-life villain in the entirety of the first game. I still think his character is weak, and I feel more for Sora trying to get back home to Kairi than finding his dick albino friend. And going back home doesn't seem to be on Sora's list.
Sadly enough, Sora doesn't really talk about wanting to go back home and see his parents, and is unrealistically content with being Goofy and Donald's abducted foster child. I don't think players should be depressed out of their minds, but it's obvious the game series isn't about being happy and cheerful. Sora could've used the character developement and at least lament about his lost childhood and home.
If you're just this goody-two-shoes guy who wants to help everyone, then there's not much to you.

So, well, that's basically the gist of it. I guess the reason Kingdom Hearts 3 still excites me is because it cuts the bullcrap fans have been given for so long and it finally progresses the story it started off with.

Really don't care about the Nobodies, guys.
Also, thanks for cursing Riku, Terra, you son of a Goof.
Hopefully the third game is worth the wait and it will tie everything together.

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