
Video Games AWESOME haters

"Farfromsubtle" is best known for the release of the series "AWESOME VIDEO GAMES".
I remember watching this series many years ago, when I was still browsing through Youtube, looking for decent video game reviewers out of pure boredom.

I thought the intro was great, and that's about it. The series were ass.

Years after their first series' pilot , they came with a new series called "Video games AWESOME" (which was basically a line from the "AWESOME VI
DEO GAMES" intro song). This was an entirely different approach on "reviewing" games, as they didn't use scripts anymore, and the whole crew just sat down on a green-screened couch and played games right on the spot. And I think that's brilliant.

Of course there are fans for everything, and the fans of the first show didn't quite seem to enjoy this new creation. Even now people are complaining daily.
Next to the fact I think this show is way better and way more enjoyable than "AWESOME VIDEO GAMES", I think the old fans aren't openminded enough. Nothing lasts forever, but if you really want to keep seeing your favourite actors perform, they'll have to per
form in a different movie. Not the same one over and over again.
Clearly the fans like the guys they see in the videos; and since they are still there in the new show, I'm failing to see the problem.

The boy named "Ben" eventually left and I'm still not sure why, because I never watched the video which explained that, but surely Ben wasn't carrying the entire crew on his shoulders. He was funny, but we still have the 2 other boys from the old series, and host Fraser is a comedy king himself.
Almost immediately Ben was replaced with lady-behind-the-scenes, Becky. Even though she doesn't always try to be funny, so far I know; the gang owes her alot. And that's enough reason for me to include her on the game couch.

There are enough idiots who study their lines. There is more value in a live, spontaneous joke.

"So, You’re A Cartoonist?"

This man is so boring. This man is so incredibly boring.

Tom Preston
is the creator of the "So, You’re A Cartoonist?"-series at Deviantart, and apparently many more comics and comicbooks I never found interesting enough to check out.
But "So, You’re A Cartoonist?" is the only
creation that keeps hitting the front page at Deviantart, so, either he doesn't draw anything else, or his other work is even duller. I can complain about the comic's quality as much as I want to, but these comics always get a preposterous amount of faves and positive comments. I really wonder why.
Every time I click his new-made crap, I'm just hoping it's funny. For once, let it be funny. But I'm disappointed every time.
And I'm not the only one; one of my friends who saw me clicking on one of his comics said the exact same thing.

He isn't funny. He isn't clever. Why are people telling him he i
s. He is 100 times worse than that other overrated comic artist named "Kevin Bolk". At least Mr. Bolk tries to make the subject of his comics interesting, even though the character he's supposed to represent looks like a 5-year-old.
Tom, on the other hand, has a boring art style and just a
really boring way of thinking, and stupid one-second-appearance characters, who weren't even funny in the beginning, get way too much credit.
I'm most likely just mad because I always have to do my best as an artist. I wish I got over a 1000 faves by just uploading a lazy 4-panel comic where all 4 panels are basicly the same image.
In the end, it's probably just jealousy. But it doesn't change the facts.