
Dane Cook

What a terrible, unfunny piece of lowlife he is.

For people who are not familiar with his name, I salute you, and lower my hand right away to tell you that Dane Cockface is an overrated comedian. Though alot of people, generally Americans, seem to like his acts and many use soundbites from his shows to make "funny" Youtube videos with. Though those videos fail just as hard as the show the sound was taken from.

I honestly tried to like him since alot of people praise his work, though watching his shows only made me wonder how big the space in the heads of his fans is. He wasn't able to make me laugh or giggle even once.
That the man lacks talent isn't even the biggest issue; but that he has such a big audience and gets to perform in enormous theatres is. I don't understand that.

This is my opinion, but feel free to look at a piece and be the judge yourself:

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