
Those "Draw It Again" drawings at Deviantart

At Deviantart there is this small fad going on where people take one of their older artpieces and redraw them. It's a fad that never went away, because it is quite fun to do, if you're not just doing it to show off.

But what bothers me more is that often enough the new art piece hardly looks anything like the old one. Isn't it the point you just change the style? Not the pose, or add more necklaces and ribbons? When I look at these redrawn images I can't help but think "well, that was overdone".

Sometimes it backfires as well; when the old artwork still looks better than the new and "improved" one.


Staying unredeemable in one's eyes

Everyone encounters people that don't like them no matter what they do, or ends up in situations where you state your opinion about something, but no matter the response, the other person always has their snark ready to release upon you.

A great example is discussions about children. Just imagine you having a dramatic conversation about children with someone, probably someone who has children, and at one point this person could ask you "Do you have kids"? And you can answer honestly and say:

1. "Yes, I do", and receive the response "THEN YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE, GODDAMNIT!";
2. or "No, I don't", and receive the response "THEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE, GODDAMNIT!".

See how you can never win.

Headbands for female babies


It's a girl, we get it.


People who say "ramen" instead of "noodles"

Why so Japanese.


Man's obsession with female virgins

It really shows how stupid and simple-minded humanity is. How can there still be people who don't think we're related to apes when we have this kind of nonsense.



A sequel is the follow-up to a movie, often on popular demand, but if we had to take every sequel seriously, then that would mean that the lives of the main characters is such a clusterfuck, we have to wonder why they didn't kill themselves already just to escape their karma-filled existence.

So much shit is going down in every movie, it makes the lives of the people involved look like a neverending mess; af if not a day passes without some horror going down. It makes the summarized story look nothing more but a teenager's fanfiction, but we accept it, because the shit's divided over multiple movies.
Harry Potter being one of those fictional people who should've ended up a mental patient at the end of the movie, instead he married a little ginger girl.

Even so, sequels are rarely better or just as good at the first original, the second Shrek movie being one of those few exceptions. But is that because the sequels are indeed worse, or do we unconsciously know these extensions of the main story are unnecessary?

People who upload practice art at Deviantart

I don't care about how you practiced to draw a man's back or a wolf's paw from every angle and position possible.