
Is the BubblegumxMarceline claim a lie?


A little while ago it's been confirmed that princess Bubblegum and Marceline from Adventure Time were in a relationship once.

While I can't say that canon homosexuality impressed me, as it's an easy way of gaining a fanbase and being called "clever", I should still give the creators of the show credit for making a bold move in a shitty society like ours.
Still, it's too bad that this revelation was totally pointless to announce, as it's been said it will never be portrayed in the show or comics, for obvious reasons. It basically has as much importance in the story and to the characters as Dumbledore's confirmed homosexuality in the Harry Potter series. So, while we're giving out random personal information, why not mention all the cartoon characters who are heterosexual in the future? Apparently we all want to know this more than anything else.

Anyway, this pairing itself is not the reason I started this article. I started it for those cheering fans who now yell "We told you so" and "Fuck yeah, the rumors are true".

You mean the same rumor that revolves around every single damn cartoon character in existence? 

The claim that everything and everyone is gay for everything and everyone? 

Not because it might be true, but just because it looks so "kawaii"?

Bubblegum and Marceline were guessed to be gay for each other, because Bubblegum cherished a t-shirt that Marceline once gave her, or something like that, and I can't consider a scene like that to be solid proof of their sexual feelings for each other. It just as wel could've been proof of a close friendship. So, excuse me for not buying it right away.

Let's not pretend that Bubblegum and Marceline's case is nothing like all the other homosexual claims concerning fictional characters; fans were again just spouting bullshit, and this time it worked out.

But well, Bubblegum and Marceline, rock on.
Except, no, because your relationship is over and will never have a solid mention ever.
Never mind, you two are pointless.

Back to Finn and Flame princess we go.

UPDATE 06-09-2014:

This article was once named "The BubblegumxMarceline confirmation", but right after I felt motivated and polite enough to draw and upload a drawing to support this pairing on Deviantart, even though I gender-swapped the characters, it didn't take long for someone to come along and tell me it was a joke from the voice actor who made the claim.
The actor's original Twitter message confirming this is gone, as she apparently got butchered and cursed to Hell by the fangirls, but it said:

I like to make things up at panels. Ya'll take my stories way too seriously..."

What the fork? She made this claim on a Q&A, for Pete's sake, you go there to ask questions and get them answered. If you have to depend on the kindness of the people sitting on stage to answer your questions truthfully, why even bother arranging/attending these events.
I can go on the internet and ask a random person about a show if I want to get bullshitted.

While I portayed my dislike for slash fangirls on this same blog, I feel urged to take their side on this. This is a strange prank to be pulling on people who thought they could embrace two bisexual (you're not really homosexual if you date the opposite gender later on) characters in a show that isn't South Park or Ren & Stimpy.
Even so, that is their view, not mine. I'm not bothered because the pairing could've been that "revolutionary first stone in animation" or because I wanted it so badly, because I don't. I never considered Bubblegum and Marceline to make a cute or logical pair, and I wasn't expecting or wishing for a confirmation like this.

No, what bothers me is that someone, who has the knowledge, lied about something people obviously care about. It's a sad thing that a fictional character's sexual orientation is so important to people, but it simply is.
Then again, maybe it isn't that aspect that people wanted to know. Perhaps people just wanted to know that Bubblegum and Marceline once loved each other.

It's hard to respect a person who is allowed to speak as an authority and then yells "JK!" whenever it suits them. She could've told fans she was shitting them when she was still at the Q&A, instead of laughing at them for believing her the next day. Do you value your fans this little?
But I'll be honest that the fangirls haven't been that polite, either. I already described how they responded, they're fangirls.

Even so, when reading the comments responding to the Tweet at Reddit, I got doubts about the whole situation. Was this really just a pointless joke, or did she get in trouble for revealing the truth. We know there are alot of God-fearing parents who would go beserk over a claim like this one, and that would mean the end of Adventure Time.
Then again, we shouldn't exclude the possibility that this voice actor is just a bitch.


Women who order salad

A cliché that too often is reality. Order a hamburger for a change, live a little.


Those few dislikers on obviously good Youtube videos

Who are these people?
What's going through their head when they click that thumbs down?


Shooting fights where nobody ever hits each other

Especially loved on television.


Skyler from "Breaking Bad"

Hate, hate, hate this character.



It has good songs. And that's it.

The movie teaches us that it's alright if your lover makes a fool out of you in front of his friends and is more shallow than a puddle of baby spit, since you can just change everything about yourself to win him back, as he'll totally still deserve you, and you two will fly away in a car smiling and waving. What a great base for a true and everlasting relationship.

What a load. There is not a single character in this movie you can cheer for, they are either terrible or stupid. 

Why does this movie even exist? Who sat down and thought "Yes, this painfully realistic high school-bullshit is something people want to see"?

Not even the unholy catchy songs make me want to watch this movie ever again. I'll just look up the songs at Youtube.


Feminism once stood for something, but now turned into a group of whiny women-children who criticize posters and video games that dare to portray women with breasts slightly bigger than a B cup and spend all of their time sharing the word that all men are Satan.

Feminism was never about dragging another gender through the dirt, it simply wanted to change the unfairness the female gender faced at the time.
But now it's all about how skimpy the women are clothed on the covers of magazines and what a sexist bastard Robin Thicke is for his "Blurred Lines" music video; not realising that the women
involved fully cooperated and were paid well to show off their hips. And whether you like it or not, the same goes for most porn videos you despise as well.

Can we really compare these non-issues to the lack of freedom and care women still get in faraway countries? Why are you girls wasting your time on this nonsense? You should be ashamed of yourselves.