
Justin Bieber fans

Justin Bieber could bite off a kitten's head, and these bitches would still stand up for him.

Justin Bieber is scum who doesn't even bother to hide that fact. 
What are you young women doing with your lives? Why do you lack self-respect so much, that you want to keep battling for the fake love and non-existent attention of this sad creature who doesn't even feel the need to show up and perform on stage if total ticket sales are 50%.

This kid doesn't give a flying fuck about your dumb blonde ass. Your obsessive and sick loyalty is wasted on this wannabe-tough guy.



Like after a character makes a clever remark or at the end of a movie/episode/whatever. 
It's so incredibly lame.

Dumb people

Dumb people scare me.

I'm not talking about the mentally challenged or anyone who just has a recorded low IQ; I'm talking about the ignorant who choose to stay ignorant.
These people are loud and hateful towards whoever doesn't share their opinion. They rule the internet and the media, and just show the worst side of humanity. The fact they are allowed to suggest/demand rules and laws that the rest of us have to follow, is scary. Idiots should not be allowed to have a say in anything, ever. 

Most are quick to call these people "trolls", but by assuming they're smarter than they appear to be, you're giving them way too much credit.