
Fake screenshots

I roll my eyes whenever I see artists upload "fake screenshots" at Deviantart.
But to be honest, I'm surprised at myself for that. The concept is pretty cool, and in general it's something I would draw.

But I didn't, as these screenshots give me the impression there is no real story behind them. I know that most people who draw these fake screenshots just draw something random, and only upload these pictures with the purpose of bragging about their "screenshot skills". While the majorty of these screenshots aren't even good.
They draw some kind of character, with some kind of expression on his face, doing something random, and they put whatever subtitles fits this character's actions. And that seems another feature of these drawings; subtitles. 

I'm not sure why, as not everything is foreign or an anime, but the concept is probably based off of anime. Isn't it always.

A muted screenshot says a whole lot more words, guys.

Though, I hope I'm wrong about this and that every fake screenshot has a beautiful story to go with it. But they give me the impression that they don't.

I guess I care too much about stories.


The minions from "Despicable Me"

Terrible creatures that hurt my soul every time I see or hear them. How they became so popular baffles me. They certainly aren't the best the movie has to offer.

But people honestly seem to like these abominations, and it almost makes me think I'm missing something. Or simply don't have a sense of humor. Yet I like Gru, so maybe I just like jokes you can actually understand.

But I've said it before; these creatures are unfunny Rabbids ripp-offs, which is quite a feat, as Rabbids themselves are terribly unfunny, and the fact they are so liked by the majority of people is probably what makes me hate them. 

Popular things are often hated.