
Television talent shows

I'm currently watching some old "Britain's Got Talent" auditions at Youtube, and suddenly reminded myself:

Television talent shows are bullshit. 
Next to the fact only dancers and singers ever win, as dancing and singing seem to be the only "talent" that appeals to the audience, the judges are way too easy to manipulate.

If you're either a child, ugly, have a depressing backstory, they give you a free pass. How is that fair towards the other contestants. How is that even fair towards the ugly child with a depressing backstory.
Give these people the feeling they deserve to win because of what they do, not because of what they are.

It's "'[INSERT COUNTRY] Got Talent". 

Not "[INSERT COUNTRY] Got A Sad Sob Story".

Why do they keep accepting mediocre contestants out of pity; you know they won't win the finals. You're just making it easier for the people who actually have talent.