
Television talent shows

I'm currently watching some old "Britain's Got Talent" auditions at Youtube, and suddenly reminded myself:

Television talent shows are bullshit. 
Next to the fact only dancers and singers ever win, as dancing and singing seem to be the only "talent" that appeals to the audience, the judges are way too easy to manipulate.

If you're either a child, ugly, have a depressing backstory, they give you a free pass. How is that fair towards the other contestants. How is that even fair towards the ugly child with a depressing backstory.
Give these people the feeling they deserve to win because of what they do, not because of what they are.

It's "'[INSERT COUNTRY] Got Talent". 

Not "[INSERT COUNTRY] Got A Sad Sob Story".

Why do they keep accepting mediocre contestants out of pity; you know they won't win the finals. You're just making it easier for the people who actually have talent.



There are bigger people-haters than the Ku Klux Klan, pro-life activists, gothics and vegans combined. A group that hates all humans with such a burning passion, and likes throwing false facts around just to make the human race look like bigger jerks than they actually are.

You can find these people commenting on Youtube videos of cats and dogs snuggling together. But videos of tigers washing baby ducks is fine too.
If you looked up similar videos of "unusual animal friends" before, I'm sure you came across the same type of comment on every one of those videos:

"This proves that animals are more capable of love than humans!"

Is that so. Well, fuck you.

A lion sleeping with a deer isn't common, so why would you give credit to the entire animal kingdom for this one animal who happens to lack hunger just yet. Just because you see a group of terrorists blow up half a city on the news; these people don't represent all humans.
There is alot of war in the world, but there is also alot of war in the animal world. Whatever the purpose is, it's there, and it will never end.
But the difference is that other humans want to interfere and stop the fights, while there will never be an animal that demands his brethren to stop the slaughter.
There are animals that attack and kill other animals for fun too.
They are not "kinder" than humans, animals are not "smarter" than humans, animals are not "better" than humans. They'd gladly kill and eat each other, without regret; an emotion humans are cursed with and which causes us to keep making these bullshit statements about animals and ourself.
I can say with ease that there aren't more cat-hugging dogs out there than human-hugging humans, so why do animals deserve a cookie and are humans always Satan's offspring.
Just because people bother to record more animals snuggling together than themselves snuggling with their boy/girlfriend, which isn't even interesting enough to watch, doesn't mean humans are loveless bastards.

The worst part is that the majority always agrees with these people and their burst of human-rage. There is always one of these assholes in the top comments and make it very clear that humans cannot love like the animals in the video could, and would never jump into traffic to save someone, unlike the 0,0001% of dogs that would.

Of course it's interesting that a hunter can befriend the hunted, but humans can befriend a cow too. In general, animals don't see the point of befriending an animal that isn't the same species, which makes it special, but I'm pretty sure humans would love to hug every damn animal on the planet if the creature allowed them to, so why aren't we special?

Animals are amazing creatures, and in no way am I implying that humans are better than them, but I'm also not saying animals are better than humans. We are all animals.
We are not better because we wear trousers, animals are not better because some can ignore their instincts. We ignored our instincts long ago.

Lay off the humans, humans.