
People are ever so slowly losing the ability (or willingness) to consider context and nuance

Long title, but yes, it's what bothers me about today's age.

If you say to dislike cucumber sandwiches, you'll eventually get jumped by a group of people who think that means you hate cucumber and/or sandwiches in general. Or a more common analogy: say you like cats, and people will assume that therefore you hate dogs.

Things are seldom this black and white, but few people want to entertain the notion anymore, especially when the person uttering the "heinous" statement is someone you already have a disdain for.
On the internet, it's evidentially enticing to be angry all of the time. You feel like you're doing something purposeful with your life; and enacting some kind of positive change. I've had moments like these, moreso in the past than now. There was a short time I thought that yoai fanart was objectifying homosexuals, but nobody cared. If people politely ask you to fuck off, then what's the point. Who am I defending? No one asked me to be angry for them, and by pretending, you're only wasting energy better spent on something else.

People are capable of change. Things you did or said years ago can feel like it was uttered by a stranger today. Whether left-wing, right-wing, or no-wing, when people dig hard enough, there's always a 10 year old "racist", "sexist", or "homo/whatever-phobic" message floating around that can be linked to that person. That includes you. I see you, asshole.

The biggest shame is that redemption and reform are not offered to those who did (genuine) wrong. You'll forever get treated like the moldy apple in the basket, and no matter how often you apologize or how vast your track record is as a valuable member of society or charity worker, you made that racist joke when you were 15; you should lose everything.